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Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Presenting Research Results
23rd January 2015

Business researcher Anja Thygesen explains how to ensure your research results are presented in a way that suits your audience and the intended use of the research. She provides guidance on tackling data visualisation through everyday tools such PowerPoint and Excel - and how to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.



Chris Porter Product Review of D&B Hoover's (Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing)
21st January 2015

In the final part of his review, author Chris Porter looks at the value that the D&B Hoover's company and executive information database delivers to customers and assesses which job roles and tasks it is best suited to, compared with competing services aimed at sales and marketing users.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2440



James Mullan Motivating Staff - Do Incentives Really Work?
20th January 2015

Are you looking to motivate and encourage individuals within your organisation to share more knowledge? If you are then you might be thinking about using an incentive to encourage staff in this goal. However, James Mullan warns that this might not be an effective way to encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Factiva
20th January 2015

The latest additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Jan Knight Product Review of Nexis (Introduction; Contact Details)
19th January 2015

Jan Knight introduces the newly-enhanced Nexis in the first part of her product review of the provider of premium curated business, industry and news information from across the world.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2445



Chris Porter Product Review of D&B Hoover's (Technology - Search, User Interface, Outputs, Analytics, Alerts, Help)
16th January 2015

Chris Porter looks at the technology aspects of D&B Hoover's in the third section of his review of the company and executive information database. He is impressed with the clarity of the user interface, the wide range of output options, the vendor’s support, and the company matching procedure.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2440



James Mullan Taking Up the Slack... Improving Team Communication
16th January 2015

Do you work in a team that is looking to improve the way it communicates? James Mullan writes about a new tool called "Slack" which hopes to make users "be less busy". He explores what it offers compared to other products such as SharePoint, Lync, Skype and Yammer.



Catherine Pask Product Review of Intelligence Plaza (Value - Competitors, Development & Pricing)
15th January 2015

In the final part of her review of competitive intelligence software Intelligence Plaza, Catherine Pask considers its time-saving potential, ease of use and other valuable features, the amount of experience of the parent company, new developments and similar products available.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2437
