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Sophie Alexander Creative Commons - What Constitutes "Commercial" Use?
9th April 2015

Creative Commons licences offer an easier and more flexible way to access online content and are less restrictive than the "all rights reserved" approach of traditional copyright. The "non-commercial" clause of some of its licences can, however, create confusion. Sophie Alexander looks at the definition of "commercial" use and explores some of the situations where an individual or organisation may use a Creative Commons licensed work.



Andrew Tattersall Bite-Size Training - Making a Difference with Short, Face-to-Face Sessions
9th April 2015

In our increasingly busy professional world, there are many considerations when facilitating staff development. These revolve mostly around the time and effort involved for the trainer and the trainee. A simple solution is to break up staff development workshops into short 20 minute sessions that are informal, interactive and focus on the key aspects of a topic. Bite-size training can help with the growing problem of staff not wanting to invest time in learning new ideas and technologies.



Robyn Smith Product Review of LexisNexis TotalPatent (Competitors, Development & Pricing)
8th April 2015

In the final part of her review of LexisNexis TotalPatent, Robyn Smith looks at the competitor landscape, where established products such as Thomson Innovation and Minesoft PatBase operate alongside some free services such as Espacenet and PatentLens. She also examines the product maturity and frequency of upgrades.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2480



Robyn Smith Product Review of LexisNexis TotalPatent (Technology - Search & User Interface; Outputs & Alerts; Administration & Help)
6th April 2015

In the third part of her review of global patent research database TotalPatent from LexisNexis, Robyn Smith, goes into detail about the search options, user interface and output & alerting options. She tests out the semantic search, guided search and advanced search as well as putting through their paces the "widgets" which can be used to supplement search strategy.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2480



James Mullan Are Conventional Intranets Now Obsolete?
6th April 2015

A recent report published by Gartner and article on the Cosent blog have questioned whether traditional intranets are now obsolete given the demands of the digital workplace. James Mullan looks at what programme managers should do to ensure their intranet remains relevant and what the alternatives are to SharePoint - such as Microsoft Office 365.



James Mullan The Hazards of Enterprise Collaboration
6th April 2015

Social collaboration tools that have been designed for enterprises can bring many benefits, from improved communication across dispersed teams to improved workflows. In this article James Mullan looks at managing the tools effectively and avoiding some of the perils of enterprise collaboration.



Chris Porter Product Review of Manzama (Competitors, Development & Pricing)
3rd April 2015

In the final part of his review, author Chris Porter looks at the product development plans and competitor landscape for current awareness service Manzama. He also reports on pricing and the value Manzama offers through its clear understanding of the content needs and working practices of its legal and professional services customers.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2478



Robin Neidorf Results from FreePint Research into Visibility Part 4 - Strategy and Success
3rd April 2015

In the final part of her analysis of FreePint's research into visibility, Robin Neidorf presents the findings relating to strategies for making information visible, and how successful respondents feel their efforts to be. Free commentary from those polled also sheds interesting light on areas such as the internal environment and working with vendors.
