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James Mullan Getting Wired in the Workplace
16th April 2015

James Mullan's interest is sparked by a recent article about "wirearchy", a term he had not come across before but which was coined 10 years ago. He looks at the writing of key authors Jon Husband and Jane McConnell on the digital workplace and considers how tools and technologies are transforming organisations.



Anne Jordan Source Update for Factiva
15th April 2015

The latest additions and takedowns in Factiva, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



James Mullan Where is Social Collaboration Heading?
15th April 2015

Many FreePint contributors have written about the value that social collaboration can bring to an organisation. Whilst many people might feel that social tools and collaboration have been around forever, actually they have come a long way in a very short space of time. The question is - where do we think social collaboration is heading next? James Mullan looks at tools including Jive and Yammer as well as visual presentation software platforms Prezi and Sway.



James Mullan Intranets and Enterprise Social Networks - a Perfect Match?
14th April 2015

Something that many organisations are managing right now is the integration of intranets and enterprise social networks (ESNs) with each other. These tools serve very different purposes and have very different roles within today’s organisations. In this article James Mullan looks at some of the roles these tools have, and the potential for integrating them to provide a unified experience for users.



Anne Jordan Source Update for EBSCO
14th April 2015

The latest additions in EBSCO, researched and compiled by Anne Jordan.



Sophie Alexander Vendor Market Overview - Making Information Visible
13th April 2015

FreePint presents an overview of some of the key vendors from the FreePint Topic Series "Making Information Visible". The table highlights key vendors and their products, a brief description of key features, special features and common use-cases as well as links to both the vendors' products and FreePint’s coverage of them.



Mirjam Wolfrum Insider Knowledge - Researching Hispanic America
13th April 2015

Conducting research in Hispanic America will depend a lot on the country you are interested in. In this article Hispanic America means all Spanish-speaking countries from Mexico to Argentina, excluding the Caribbean states. As a general rule we can say that the more interest the global economy has in one particular market, the more information in English will be available. This means that there is more information on economics and businesses available for emerging countries such as Mexico and Columbia and only scanty information on smaller "less economically interesting" countries such as Honduras or Paraguay.

Mirjam Wolfrum explains what kind of information you will be able to obtain from English sources and when you should consider involving a local partner or a Spanish-speaking information expert.



Eileen Steer Vendor Market Overview - Company Information
10th April 2015

FreePint presents an overview of some key vendors in the company information space. The table identifies key vendor products, briefly describes their key features, notes the geographic scope, singles out any special features of each service and highlights key use-cases and value.



James Mullan Shouting About Tweets in Google Search Results
10th April 2015

Twitter and Google have reached a deal to automatically make tweets available in Google search results. James Mullan ponders what this means for areas such as privacy and accountability if you’re one of the 284 million personal or professional users of Twitter.
