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Shimrit Janes Harnessing Your Source Expertise and Ownership
5th April 2016

In a March Community session, Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, led participants through an in-depth look at ownership and influence amongst sources, technology and value expertise, as well as a maturity model that can help you plan the path ahead of you to improve your effectiveness. Here, we focus in on making the most of your source expertise.



Sophie Alexander Product Review of Web of Science (Introduction; Key Advantages; Contact Details)
4th April 2016

In the first part of a new review we introduce Web of Science, a citation index database from Thomson Reuters, providing tens of millions of records of curated research content that is all connected through standard vocabulary, linked content and citation metrics from multiple sources. We also look at audience, key uses and key advantages.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2651



Sam Marshall How KM and IT Can Get Along
4th April 2016

Although KM and IT departments often need to work together, there can be tensions. Some of the friction arises from differing world views, and simply being aware of these can help smooth the way. In many organisations there is also a gap that KM could fill which would be mutually beneficial: the deeper adoption of knowledge-worker tools.



Steve Bynghall What is the Broader Agenda for IT?
1st April 2016

Having a better appreciation of the wider strategic agenda for IT functions can lead to better communication and fewer misunderstandings. Steve Bynghall examines several areas where IT must deliver, including maintaining security and ensuring compliance, and how they deliver on organisational strategy, particularly around digital transformation, and increasingly input into strategy.



Steve Bynghall How Working With IT Has Evolved
31st March 2016

Many of us have experienced the occasional challenge when working with IT. However, this article argues that although there will inevitably be issues when you work together on projects, over the years working with IT has evolved for the better. From personal experience of working with different IT professionals over 20 years, working with IT has become easier and more productive.



Robin Neidorf Results from Jinfo Research into Relationships Between IS and IT Part 2 - Influence, Expertise
29th March 2016

We present the second part of analysis of Jinfo research into how information services professionals work with IT colleagues and the effectiveness of these relationships. Robin Neidorf explains what the results show about the control the IS and IT department have over projects, knowledge and skills present in information services, and how to move towards a better relationship.



Constance Ard Product Review of Zotero (Value - Help & Training; Competitors; Development; Pricing)
28th March 2016

In the final part of her review of open source research management and citation tool Zotero, Constance Ard looks at support, development history, pricing and its competitors including EndNote, Mendeley, BibTex, RefWorks, Papers, Reference Manager and the free-to-use Diigo. She discusses how the open source business model affects customer support and training offered, and the product's development.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2645



Robin Neidorf Results from Jinfo Research into Relationships Between IS and IT Part 1 - Context, Control
25th March 2016

Presenting Jinfo research into how information services professionals work with IT colleagues and the effectiveness of these relationships. In part one of the analysis Robin Neidorf looks at organisational structures, reporting lines, whether activities are outsourced, and size of staff and numbers of employees they support.
