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Sophie Alexander Product Review of Northern Light SinglePoint (Introduction; Key Advantages; Contact Details)
5th May 2016

Northern Light's SinglePoint provides a single point of access for all of a client's internal and external research information. In the first part of the review, Sophie Alexander looks at what's changed since Jinfo's 2013 review, what key advantages SinglePoint brings to users in Europe and the US, and how quickly ROI might be achieved.

Note: Full review (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2670



Shimrit Janes Taking an Entrepreneurial Approach to the Value Conversation
4th May 2016

Can information professionals have more effective conversations around value if they think more entrepreneurially? In a recent Community session, Robin Neidorf led participants through Jinfo's skills development framework and explained how to map your value skills against it, whether for the current situation, "Known Unknown" or "Great Unknown".

Note: Full report (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2667



Shimrit Janes Seeing Technology as an Opportunity for Skills Development
3rd May 2016

The practitioner's technology skill set is the area that has seen a real surge in the last five or so years. Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, recently led participants through an in-depth look at how to build, train and nurture skills in your information team. In this article we take a look at Jinfo's skills development framework and how to make use of it to identify current and future technology skills training requirements.

Note: Full report (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2667



Shimrit Janes Evolving Your Team's Skills in Source Expertise
2nd May 2016

There is still a lag in information professionals' confidence to really embrace the ability to have strategic conversations about value. In a recent Community session Jinfo looked at how to apply its skills development framework to tackle the "Known Unknowns" and "Great Unknowns" around value questions, such as is the cost commensurate with the results.

Note: Full report (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2667



Shimrit Janes Diagnosing Your Information Team's Skills Gap
29th April 2016

How do you plan strategically for an uncertain future? In an April Community session, Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, led participants through an in-depth look at how to assess and plan the skills your information team needs for now and heading into the future, across their sources, technology and value expertise. Here, we take a look at Jinfo's skills development framework and how to make use of it.

Note: Full report (PDF) at /go/sub/report/2667



Scott Vine Discovering Discovery Systems
26th April 2016

Scott Vine explains what you should consider and look for when choosing a discovery system, common concerns and customisation queries, and relevant NISO standards. He also introduces the four main commercial discovery systems: EBSCO Discovery Service, ProQuest Summon, Primo from Ex Libris, and WorldCat Discovery Services, and the main link resolver products.



Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Design Thinking - A Useful Way of Co-Creating
25th April 2016

Information professionals should take some time to consider design thinking, say Cindy Romaine and Anja Chemnitz Thygesen, as they demonstrate how it can be a powerful tool to make changes to information consumption and delivery, overcome resistance and get everyone in the conversation aligned toward the same goals.



Dr. Michelle Maxwell Mini Review of Intellixir
20th April 2016

In our review of data analysis solution Intellixir, we look at how it enables information professionals, research analysts and competitive intelligence specialists to efficiently and effectively manage and analyse the ever-increasing number of patents and scientific publications they encounter.
