
Jinfo Community provides a confidential, research-based, facilitated forum for discussion with your peers on critical issues in information management and strategy.

Community is available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report Teeing up value-based budget conversations for content licensing Teeing up value-based budget conversations for content licensing

21st September 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

Value, costs, usage, preferences... all of these are part of most budget conversations, whether explicitly or implicitly.Many of our customers are seeing increased pressure on their buying budgets and demands. In this Community session, we examined ideas on building meaningful conversations based...

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More details about report Centre of Excellence - make progress on your evolution, with your peers Centre of Excellence - make progress on your evolution, with your peers

13th July 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

For nearly a decade, Jinfo has assisted information teams with designing their own versions of the Jinfo model for an Information Centre of Excellence. Now you have a chance to compare notes, objectives and results with your peers.If you have not yet explored the activities in the Focus on Centre...

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More details about report Centre of Excellence - examples of Pillars of Service and Known Fors Centre of Excellence - examples of Pillars of Service and Known Fors

15th June 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

The Jinfo model for an Information Centre of Excellence includes two activities that we have used with dozens of information teams to great positive effect. This Community session provided the opportunity for information managers to review and discuss their results with:Step two - create your...

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More details about report Scorecards - how information teams are designing and using them Scorecards - how information teams are designing and using them

25th May 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

The concept of using scorecards to support product evaluation, communications with stakeholders and licence negotiations is an exciting topic for many information professionals.In this Community session, we discussed how scorecards are developed and used in a variety of environments.Download this...

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More details about report Negotiation clinic - role-play and Q&A Negotiation clinic - role-play and Q&A

13th April 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

This session involved role-playing different negotiation scenarios, plus discussion and Q&A with participants to consider a variety of approaches to points of negotiation.If you missed the session, download the anonymised notes today. Be sure to register for future “negotiation...

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More details about report Usage data in contract negotiations Usage data in contract negotiations

23rd March 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

We know that usage is only one component of what constitutes “value” but it is a very important component. But many content portfolio managers have difficulty:Getting reliable usage dataUsing data in “apples to apples” comparisonsInterpreting data to clarify the value of a...

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More details about report Pricing models for information and data licensing Pricing models for information and data licensing

2nd March 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

If you license external information and data into your organisation, you’ve likely encountered a wide range of pricing models, supplier requirements and unique use clauses.This Jinfo Community session, part of our Focus on Content Portfolio, provided a forum for us to discuss:Current...

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More details about report State of the Industry, 2021 State of the Industry, 2021

16th February 2021
Ended. Slide deck available

Download the deck and anonymised notes from Jinfo's Community session, "State of the industry, 2021". Topics include:The "new normal" and how it affects your operations (or not)New definitions of value, and how to measure itWhat next-generation product evaluation and...

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More details about report Negotiation clinic - raise your concerns, hone your skills Negotiation clinic - raise your concerns, hone your skills

8th December 2020
Ended. Slide deck available

The nuances and economic variables affecting information and data licences are unique compared with other procurement categories. What’s more, with 2021 looming, everyone anticipates their negotiations to be more challenging than ever.By popular demand, we ran this Community session as our...

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More details about report How have your needs for product evaluation changed? How have your needs for product evaluation changed?

5th November 2020
Ended. Slide deck available

Information teams are busier than ever. Meanwhile, business needs and use cases for information products are more complex, and the marketplace changes all the time. This Community session brought together information professionals from a range of industries, Jinfo analysts responsible for...

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