
Jinfo Community provides a confidential, research-based, facilitated forum for discussion with your peers on critical issues in information management and strategy.

Community is available through a Jinfo Subscription.

More details about report The End of an Era for News Databases? The End of an Era for News Databases?

1st or 3rd December 2015

This session is open to content buyers only. If you've been wondering about the viability of news databases and what continuing change in the sector might mean for your organisation, join this teleconference Communities of Practice session. Over the eight years since FreePint began our...

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More details about report Understanding Usage - Teleconference for Buyers and Sellers Seeking Alignment Understanding Usage - Teleconference for Buyers and Sellers Seeking Alignment

19th November 2015

This is a teleconference session open to both buyers and sellers of information. If you missed our in-person sessions (New York and London) bringing together buyers and sellers to discuss the myriad challenges around understanding usage, reporting and value, here is your chance to get the...

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More details about report Understanding Usage - Buyers and Sellers Seeking Alignment Understanding Usage - Buyers and Sellers Seeking Alignment

20th October 2015 (New York) or 4th November 2015 (London)

This is an in-person event open to both buyers and sellers of information. Buyers of information resources and sellers of information products and services have a shared need to understand when, how and why content is used. Yet it's rare to find buyers and sellers in alignment about how to...

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More details about report Tackling the Authentication Challenge Tackling the Authentication Challenge

15th or 17th September 2015

This session is open to both buyers (information managers) and sellers (information vendors/service providers). As the world of information becomes more complex -- more systems, more devices, more security requirements -- it makes the need for effective and seamless authentication of users even...

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More details about report Driving the Future of Information - FreePint's Research Agenda Driving the Future of Information - FreePint's Research Agenda

7th or 9th July 2015

This teleconference session is open to both content buyers and vendors. Critical Gaps in Organisational Strategy As FreePint refines its research agenda, we increasingly identify critical gaps in organisational strategy that put entities at risk: Minimal risk management -- or even...

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More details about report Getting Information Skills Development on the Strategic Agenda Getting Information Skills Development on the Strategic Agenda

9th or 25th June 2015

Does your organisation have and cultivate the information skills needed for the future? How about for the present? Developing Effective Information Skills FreePint Research has uncovered a worrying gap in organisational strategies: it is essential for all knowledge workers to engage in...

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More details about report Driving the Future of Information - FreePint's Research Agenda Driving the Future of Information - FreePint's Research Agenda

15th June 2015

This IN PERSON session is being offered in conjunction with the SLA annual conference in Boston. If you will be at SLA and you would like to join this facilitated discussion, please complete the registration form below. We are making this Communities of Practice session open to any member of...

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More details about report Turning Content into Curricula Turning Content into Curricula

4th June 2015

Information professionals possess an enormous amount of expertise that is mission-critical for the full range of knowledge workers in their organisations -- how to select and work with information sources, when and how to ask for help, and how to communicate results, to name but a few areas. To...

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More details about report Strategies for Information Managers in Professional Services Strategies for Information Managers in Professional Services

5th May 2015

Teleconference, for information managers (buyers), aimed especially at those who work in consulting and professional services. Consultancies are the quintessential "knowledge" business: they trade on the uniqueness, innovation and creativity of their knowledge base and knowledge workers....

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More details about report Needs Assessment for Information Visibility Needs Assessment for Information Visibility

16th April 2015

This session is for information managers (buyers). There are three components in making information visible: optimised technology, targeted content, and effective user behaviour. You may be doing perfectly well with one component but struggling with another. At the same time, you may have...

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