
Articles that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

Andrew Lucas Product review of Factiva (sources - content and coverage)
28th October 2020

In the second part of our updated product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, we focus on some of its newer content with the addition of sources from 98 countries in 21 languages, along with the results of its annual content survey.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Andrew Lucas Product review of Factiva (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
27th October 2020

The first part of our updated product review of Factiva, Dow Jones' premium news and business information service, provides an overview of the company and product, highlights its key advantages, looks at how it has changed since our last review and what future developments are in the pipeline.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Jan Knight Product review of Statista (value - help & training; competitors; development)
12th October 2020

The final part of Jinfo's product review of Statista, a leading statistics portal, finds out what help and training is available to its users, and takes an in-depth look at its two closest competitors, eMarketer and IBISWorld Industry Reports. Finally, we look at the types of accounts a user can purchase along with pricing options.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Jan Knight Product review of Statista (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
9th October 2020

The third part of Jinfo's product review of Statista, a leading statistics portal, looks at the technology behind its intuitive user interface, its multiple search options, dossiers, and output options, including its chart editing options and how users can set up alerts.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Jan Knight Product review of Statista (sources - content and coverage)
8th October 2020

The second part of our product review of Statista, a leading statistics portal, looks at the broad range of sources available within the product, with a particular focus on the company's own statistical data and the wide range of industries covered. We also look at the languages available and geographic coverage as well as the provision of custom research reports.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Jan Knight Product review of Statista (key advantages; introduction; contact details)
7th October 2020

Statista is a leading statistics portal offering a wide range of content and tools used by organisations for market analyses and competitive intelligence. Jinfo last looked at the product in 2013 and in this first part of our updated product review we find out how the product has evolved, who uses it and how, what its key advantages are as well as its future roadmap.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Willem Noorlander Negotiations in this time - what to expect
22nd September 2020

With the business world beset by challenges, what has been the impact on negotiations between suppliers of content and data and their clients in the information management world? Here, we outline and examine the changes we're seeing in vendor-client relationships as both sides try to react and adapt in pressured times.


Andrew Lucas Product review of Data Planet (value - help & training; competitors; development)
20th August 2020

The final part of Jinfo's product review of Data Planet, an online statistical aggregation
database covering both public and private data on economics, politics and social science,
looks at the overall value offered by the product. We also look at the help and training available to its users, upcoming changes including a new user interface, and how it compares to its two key competitors, Statista and ProQuest Statistical Premium Collection. Finally, there is a brief look at some of the freely available offerings such as DataHub, Google Dataset Search and Google Public Data Explorer.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Andrew Lucas Product review of Data Planet (technology - search & user interface; outputs & alerts; administration)
19th August 2020

The third part of Jinfo's product review of Data Planet, an online statistical aggregation database containing both public and private data on economics, politics and social science, focuses on The Data Planet Statistical Datasets and its search functionality, the export options available and the administrative portal.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


Andrew Lucas Product review of Data Planet (sources - content & coverage)
18th August 2020

The second part of Jinfo's product review of Data Planet, an online statistical aggregation database containing both public and private data on economics, politics and social science, looks at the impressive amount of statistical data it contains, all derived from reputable sources and thoroughly vetted before its inclusion. We also take a look at its data hosting services, which allow users to integrate their private data into the platform and compare it against the entire database, all via a single interface.

Note: Full review in Subscription Report (PDF)


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