
Articles that help raise the value of information in your organisation, available through a Jinfo Subscription.

Andrew Grave Q&A with Factiva's Brian Gelinas, head of product strategy
5th March 2020

Factiva is the world's leading content aggregator with an archive of over 33,000 sources in 28 languages. It delivers this content through a range of solutions, with the most well-known being The company celebrated 20 years in 2019 by launching its Factiva 2020 campaign to highlight new usability enhancements with Jinfo interviewed Brian Gelinas, head of product strategy, to learn more about its evolution and future plans.


Clare Painter Fair principles for copyright use - fair dealing (UK) and fair use (US)
4th March 2020

When quoting from other people's copyright material, permission isn't always needed. You can often rely on copyright exceptions which allow you to use short extracts, and in this article we look at some of the situations where you can do this, specifically in relation to text-based "literary" works which are protected by copyright.


Chris Porter Use-cases for Dow Jones' Data, News & Analytics
3rd March 2020

The Dow Jones Developer Platform, formerly known as Dow Jones DNA, launched in 2017 and gives organisations access to data, news and analytics from the company's services, including Factiva. We recently caught up with Niranjan Thomas, general manager of the developer platform and solution engineering at Dow Jones to find out more about the product, how it's used and how it fits with the "FAIR" use of data.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo survey - the role of information professionals in a data-driven world (part 3 - facing the challenges of the data world)
27th February 2020

In the third and final part of our analysis of what the data landscape looks like for data-focused projects in today's organisations, we look at some of the key issues faced by our survey respondents when addressing the opportunities and challenges of a data-focused future.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo survey - the role of information professionals in a data-driven world (part 2 - evolving roles of information professionals)
26th February 2020

The second part of our analysis of our survey results on what the data landscape looks like in today's organisations explores the evolving roles of information teams and what changes we can expect to see in the future.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo survey - the role of information professionals in a data-driven world (part 1 - introduction and survey population)
25th February 2020

Jinfo has been researching the place of information professionals in the world of data for several years now. For our Research Focus on FAIR Data we conducted a survey to gauge current data-related needs and expertise amongst information teams. In part one of a three-part analysis of these needs, we provide an overview on the industries, team sizes, and responsibilities of information teams represented by 124 respondents.


Jeanette Eldridge Data trends in the pharma industry
19th February 2020

Information professionals within the pharma industry will no doubt be aware of the prominence of artificial intelligence and machine learning in 2020, but what other trends look set to shake the industry up this year? This article takes a look at what we can expect, including advances involving the Internet of Things and advanced analytics amongst others, and explores some of the data protection regulations worldwide.


Andrew Lucas Trends in data analytics
17th February 2020

The increasing prevalence of digital discovery of information highlights how important data is to organisations and information professionals need to be able to keep ahead of this fast-changing world. This article looks at some of the top business intelligence trends for this year such as data discovery and real-time analytics. It also covers augmented data and analytics and the Internet of Things and looks at how information professionals can ensure they're keeping up.


Andrew Lucas Making FAIR data accessible to everyone - Q&A with Dr Michel Dumontier
6th February 2020

The impact of the FAIR Data Principles is spreading beyond the world of scientific research with many other organisations, including commercial companies, looking at how they can incorporate the principles into their research and data policies and practices. Jinfo interviewed Dr Dumontier, a leading Canadian biomedical researcher, to find out what inspired his interest in FAIR data, how the principles can be used within an organisation and the benefits of doing so, and how applicable the FAIR Data Principles are beyond medical and scientific research.


Jeanette Eldridge Mini review of RightFind Business Intelligence
5th February 2020

A product in the portfolio from the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), RightFind Business Intelligence is aimed at library content managers, providing them with analytical tools to generate insights on content usage and spending, and budgeting tools to turn those insights into data-driven content investment plans. This mini review looks at the company and product and finds out who uses it and how it's used as well as looking at the competitive environment.


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