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Newsletter No. 619

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Newsletter 619

1st August 2024

Stephen PhillipsI can't tell you how many times recently I've passed on a tidbit of information-industry news or analysis, and been told "I didn't know that".


And what gives me even more of a buzz than discovering and sharing a new development, is unpacking the implications and offering practical suggestions on proactively engaging colleagues, clients, stakeholders and vendors.


So, as part of Jinfo's continuing pivot to focus on content products and services, we're currently working hard on a significant enhancement to the Jinfo Subscription, which we're announcing in September.


In the meantime, I urge you to contact me if you hear of any developments which will impact you and your peers. You can contact me online, or book a 30-minute meeting.


Asia-Pacific Community session

Our first Asia-Pacific Community session will be on 7th August. We're aiming to run these quarterly, to enable our colleagues in that region to discuss recent developments in the industry, and Jinfo's latest research:

  • If you have a Jinfo Subscription with users in Asia-Pacific, please encourage them to register. And if you're not in that region, and don't mind staying/getting up late/early, then register too.
  • If you (or your colleagues) are in the region, and don't yet have a Jinfo Subscription, then please book a call with me and we can discuss the difference it can make.

AI Agents and OpenAI deals

Following our recent well-attended Community session, we've put together both a Webinar and in-depth Report on AI Agents, to help you understand the jargon, and potential impact and opportunity.


As a result of all the publicity around the OpenAI deals with leading publishers, our next Community session (w/c 15th September 2024) will discuss the possible implications for your news-licensing strategy.


Editorial Policy

Finally, as we continue to develop Jinfo's unique position, sitting between the buy-side and sell-side of the information industry, we thought it important to publish our Editorial Policy.


Our intention in publishing it is to communicate our unending commitment to editorial independence and unbiased research.


As always, whether you're in our network, or considering joining it, do share your tidbits with me, and I'll reflect them back so that we can all collectively benefit.

Read on the Blog

Stephen Phillips
Lead Analyst

"Asia-Pacific Community session"

7th August 2024

Jinfo Community


Our first Community session intended for Asia-Pacific clients is scheduled for August 7th.


This quarterly call enables our Asia-Pacific clients to discuss industry developments and issues, as well as our recent work. This includes AI agents, US private company data and recent industry takeovers.


But the good news is that you do not need to be in Asia-Pacific to join the call. Anyone with a Jinfo Subscription can sign up and join the conversation.

Asia-Pacific Community session

"An introduction to AI agents, agentic frameworks, and analysis of their potential business impact"

Jinfo Report


In this report we explain what AI agents are and why you should care about them. We review how they work and compare their performance to "zero-shot" AI platforms.


We reflect on the potential impact these systems may have on specific industries, and provide our recommendation as to how the information management team should support the technology.

An introduction to AI agents

Our August update video features an announcement for a new product from Jinfo, information about our recent and upcoming Community sessions on AI agents, and our updated editorial policy and what it means for Jinfo clients.

August 2024 Update

We support your content purchasing strategy -


  • Showcasing new suppliers and products
  • Connecting buyers with sellers
  • Mapping returns on information investments
  • Engaging senior stakeholders in content purchasing strategy.

The Jinfo Subscription gives access to all our articles, reports and recorded webinars, as well as our regular Community sessions.


Recent resources:

Jinfo Subscription

Jinfo Testimonials
"We learned so much about concepts and vendors (several we had never heard of!). This session paid for our annual subscription."
Information leader, consulting services
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The Jinfo Newsletter (ISSN 1460-7239) is published by Jinfo Limited. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. Product names used in Jinfo are for identification purposes only, and may be trademarks of their respective owners. Jinfo disclaims any and all rights in those marks. All rights reserved.

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