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Newsletter No. 616

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Newsletter 616

9th May 2024

Stephen PhillipsWe're investing heavily in the value of a Jinfo Subscription at the moment, with a lot of unique product demos, in-depth guides, and chances to interact with your peers and suppliers.


In our next Community session "Vendor adoption of AI" (23rd May 2024), product development directors from Nexis and EMIS will join us to discuss how GenAI is driving their thinking and how it will enhance their products and services. Register now.


In conjunction with last month's launch of Nexis+ AI™I interviewed their product managers (24 mins), and you can see a taster on YouTube.


I also recently met the co-founder of a new GenAI product, which although only being less than 3 years old, has one of the largest global datasets of company information.


What differentiates them is how they apply AI to the third-party-supplied data, and how their novel "freemium" commercial model is attracting users. Dialogue and demo coming soon.


I'm also about to meet ISI Emerging Markets for a preview of their GenAI-enhanced product EMIS Next. Watch this space.


Other recent AI resources from Jinfo:

  • The Jinfo article "Offshoring, Outsourcing or AI-Sourcing?" provides an in-depth description of our research into current offshoring trends (location strategy, captive centres, supplier partners and the potential impact of AI)
  • It turns out that "The art of crafting AI prompts" is perfectly aligned with the skills information professionals already have. See the findings about boolean, reference interviews and a specific method in the Jinfo report.

Our research into US private company information continues, so please contact me if you are a buyer or seller who has adopted novel ways to source information on these difficult to research entities.


And finally, with Jinfo Subscription renewal rates at 93%, and great testimonials, I really do encourage you to check out the value you could receive.


Use this link to schedule a 30 minute call with me, and I'll show you around.

Read on the Blog

Stephen Phillips
Lead Analyst

"Vendor adoption of AI"

23rd May 2024

Jinfo Community


Our next Community session "Vendor adoption of AI" (23rd May) is your chance to speak directly to product managers from both EMIS and Nexis, about how AI is driving product development.


This will be an interactive session to understand their application of AI and the anticipated benefits and value of the functionality and search outcomes. We will also discuss the anticipated implications for the information teams using these products.

Vendor adoption of AI

"Offshoring, Outsourcing or AI-Sourcing?"

Jinfo Article


The world of business information and research work has seen a significant shift towards outsourcing and offshoring over the past 25 years. This article explores the benefits of offshoring, outsourcing, and AI-sourcing for legacy processes and context-specific tasks that require bespoke processes.

Offshoring, Outsourcing or AI-Sourcing?

Also in Content:

We look at how vendors are adopting AI in our May update video, including previews of new AI products from Nexis and EMIS, and our May Community session. Watch the video on YouTube now.

ate video looks at the art of crafting AI prompts, AI-sourcing vs outsourcing, and our new project on US private company information.

May 2024 Update

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