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Newsletter No. 400

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FreePint Newsletter

Newsletter No.400
5th June 2014

Happy 400th Birthday to the FreePint Newsletter!

William HannTwice a month for 16 years, this newsletter has aimed to provide practical advice on getting the best value from information for your organisation. This has only been possible due to your engagement with us, so a big birthday "thank you" to you.

Feeling nostalgic? If you've been reading since the early days, review the birth announcement of "half pint", who turns 16 in a few days, and is in the middle of her GCSE exams. Feeling old?

My colleague Robin Neidorf will soon be meeting FreePint customers at the SLA Annual Conference in Vancouver, Canada.

As well as running an informal session for FreePint customers, contributors and partners, Robin is once again part of the regular panel at the Content Buyer's Breakfast, along with Bill Noorlander of BST America and Frank Filippo of Dow Jones, with Craig Wingrove of KPMG moderating.

Robin wants to hear what "must have" insight we can provide you, to make information more central and strategic to your organisation. Whether you'll be at the conference and would like to meet, or can't attend but want to direct our focus, email

Alas, international (or even domestic) travel isn't in everyone's financial or time budget. The latest FreePint Subscription Update covers our forthcoming teleconference sessions on information value, and our webinar Strategic View on Value and Collection Management (June 18th). Open to anyone with a FreePint Subscription, we've already added a second session in early July due to the initial response.

For 16 years we've been aiming to truly share your objectives for meaningful (and practical!) discussion around information sources, technology and value.

We invite your continued engagement through the next 400 FreePint Newsletters, where we'll continue to work hard on providing our unique content, community and consulting as our industry evolves.

Boardroom Insiders

What's an "Executive Profile?" Get one for yourself and see.

Search the Boardroom Insiders database now, and set your own criteria from a multitude of variables including: name, title, bio, alma mater, organization, industry or interest.

Then pick the result that you want and view it, free. Full text, exactly as it exists in the database.

You will immediately see the difference our in-depth, expert-researched and -written profiles can make to your ability to ACT.

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FreePint Series: What You Need to Know Your Customer (KYC)What You Need to Know to KYC

All organisations need to Know Their Customers, and many have to comply with regulations to do so.

Our upcoming FreePint Series: What You Need to Know Your Customer (KYC), will give you updates, insights, product reviews and tips to support decision-making, better workflow and efficiencies.

Free registration gets you:

  • Notification of new resources;
  • Access to practical Blog items;
  • A report with selected premium articles (publication September 2014)

Learn more and register now »

FreePint Blog

FreePint BlogThe FreePint Blog offers the latest commentary on trends, issues and opportunities in the information world, as well as examples of how organisations use FreePint resources to raise the value of information.

Shimrit JanesMy Favourite Tipples from a Social Media and KM Specialist
My Favourite Tipples are shared by Shimrit Janes, freelance researcher, writer and consultant specialising in the use of social media tools for knowledge sharing. She shares her favourite resources and network of thought-leaders and practitioners.

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FreePint Webinars
FreePint Webinar: Strategic View of Value and Collection Management

If you need to demonstrate, measure and report on value of information services and content products, this FreePint Webinar will provide you with needed insight and practical tools.

Learn more and register for your choice of sessions:

FreePint Webinars are an included benefit of the FreePint Subscription. Not sure if you have a subscription? Contact us to ask.

FreePint Topic Series: Next-Generation Competitive Intelligence
Get Up to Date on CI

Latest tips on competitive intelligence? Got them. Reviews of CI-focused products and tools? Yes.

Register your interest in the FreePint Topic Series: Next-Generation Competitive Intelligence to refresh your skills and learn new ones on this always-changing area of information practice.

Series producer Mary Ellen Bercik shares her commentary, along with the practical tips and insights she's commissioned from contributors on practical elements of CI work.

Register now to receive regular updates on new content in the series, and you'll also get a free Buyer's Guide report upon publication in June.

FreePint SubscriptionFreePint Subscription

Articles, reports and webinars are all included in a FreePint Subscription, providing you with practical insight on three critical FreePint Topics:

FreePint Topic: Sources

FreePint Topic: Technology

FreePint Topic: Value

Subscribers can click any link to login and view the full item.

Recent FreePint Subscription articles and reports:

FreePint Topic: SourcesInformation Sources

FreePint Topic: TechnologyInformation Technology

FreePint Topic: ValueInformation Value

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FreePint Testimonials
"I found the CoP very enlightening, and it was great to connect with other
industry people facing similar issues."

Information Management Specialist, Banking & Finance
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About FreePint

FreePint supports the value and visibility of information in organisations by publishing commissioned articles and reports through a paid FreePint Subscription.

FreePint Research generates and commissions articles, reports and communities of practice based on its unique position and engagement with both the 'buy' side, and 'sell' side, of the business information industry.

Our original insight and commentary focusses on three critical FreePint Topics:

  • Sources: Staying informed and aware about sources for business research
  • Technology: Improving information work by the application of technology
  • Value: Maximising the value of information work and investments

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  • The FreePint Newsletter (ISSN 1460-7239) is published by Free Pint Limited, and the opinions, advice, products and services offered herein are the sole responsibility of the contributors. Whilst all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the publication, the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions

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