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FreePint 27th May 2010


My Favourite Tipples

FreePint Bar

FUMSI Features

  • Government Policies in Support of Electrification of Automobiles
  • Writing for the public domain

VIP Features

  • The Business of Socialising
  • Recent postings to the LiveWire
  • Recent postings to the Wire

Jinfo - Jobs and Events

Jobs in Information:

  • Research Professional
  • Researcher
  • Junior Research Analyst- Media
  • Senior Researcher - Wealth Management

Events in Information:

  • Viral marketing for promoting the LIS
  • SLA's Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO 2010

Highlights from DocuTicker

  • CRS - Federal Evacuation Policy: Issues for Congress
  • CRS - Oil Spills in U.S. Coastal Waters: Background, Governance, and Issues for Congress

Highlights from ResourceShelf

  • Legal Research: New PACER Web Site Now Online, A Completely New Look


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 About FreePint

FreePint publishes newsletters, websites, magazines and resources for the information industry. The FreePint Family of publications publishes practical tips, product reviews, expert tips, research collections and hands-on tools to support information work of all kinds.

This twice-monthly free FreePint Newsletter serves as a guide to the latest content, including discussion at the Bar, tips articles, vacancies, professional development events, product reviews, editorial commentary and more. Subscribing is free and connects you with the information community around the world. Subscribe today.

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By Robin Neidorf

Robin NeidorfFrom the smallest community to the biggest city, we're all connected in ways that were barely comprehensible a generation ago. This month's guest editor for VIP, Stewart Bain, is a community librarian at the Orkney Library & Archive, one of the most remote communities of the United Kingdom, and yet the library's blog, Twitter feed and other communications enjoy readership around the world. Stewart particularly enjoyed this month's comparative review of social networking powerhouses LinkedIn, ZoomInfo and Jigsaw, already provided to VIP subscribers and available for purchase in the FreePint Shop.

Connectedness creates opportunitiesConnectedness creates opportunities and opens up possibilities. FreePint itself connects contributors, readers, editors, customers and sponsors and is delightfully possible through creative use of collaborative tools like Skype, Google Calendar, GoToMeeting, LinkedIn... and those are just the ones I can list without thinking hard. With little effort, even relatively small companies are global.

Of course, global business means needing to be able to cope with the regulations and laws of many different jurisdictions. Information professionals are a critical resource for organisations in managing a range of resources to help them maintain regulatory compliance. That's one of the reasons survey respondents told us that, unlike in other sectors, spending on products and staff to help maintain compliance is stable and even inching upwards. Request your free copy of the FreePint Report: Regulatory Compliance Resources to learn more about respondents' opinions about the products they use and what additional resources they wish they had.

Beyond regulation, government agencies are present in the business world in a variety of ways. FUMSI contributor Susan Connelly Murphy provides a handy round-up of government programmes and policies that support the electrification of automobiles. Although her topic is specific, her tips and resources have broader applications.

Another FUMSI contributor, Jonaki Sarkar, shares a different side of government: government as publisher. Agencies publish an enormous volume of resources, and Jonaki's clear, no-nonsense tips focus on clarity of communication, audience-focus and plain language (sometimes several languages) -- all useful for any publisher.

Communication across distances is a beautiful thing, especially when it's clear, focused and even has a bit of fun to it. But communication face to face is also a joy. I'm personally looking forward to seeing colleagues, contributors and customers during SLA's annual conference in New Orleans in June. Will you be there? Register your interest to find out about FreePint activities, and be sure to stop by our table (no.7) to say hello. Can't make it? You can still register to stay in touch and receive a copy of the FreePint SLA 2010 Special Report.

See you in New Orleans--

Robin Neidorf
General Manager

FreePint is a Registered Trademark of Free Pint Limited (R) 1997-2010

 My Favourite Tipples

Visit the FUMSI Forum

FUMSI's contributing editors share Tipples regularly in the FUMSI Forum. Rely on their picks for great web-based resources to support all forms of information work. Share your own Tipples by posting to the Forum, and while there participate in community Q&A on how you Find, Use, Manage and Share Information every day.

  • Does IT make you happier?
    '...In May 2010, 'The information dividend: can IT make you happier'? report was published....'

  • Poverty research - IssueLab
    'For researching the area of poverty try IssueLab (, an open access archive of free, non-profit produced research on more than 30 issue areas....'

  • BBC Moderation, The Law and 'Censorship'
    'If you or your company publishes any sort of user generated content on your website, then you need to know where you stand on the law around defamation and libel....'

  • Practical Law Company
    '...The key resource that is most relied upon for up-to date information on all the different fields of law, from construction and environmental to banking and insurance, is the Practical Law Company, more commonly referred to as PLC.'

  • Digital Britain
    'In 2009 the UK government announced the publication of the Digital Britain report - 'the strategic vision for a successful socially inclusive and business digital economy'....'

FUMSI's contributing editors include Marcy Phelps (Find), Joanna Ptolomey (Use), Kate Simpson (Manage) and Martin Belam (Share).

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 FreePint Bar

The FreePint Bar is where we publish information about the latest content from across the FreePint Family of resources.

The FreePint Bar is sponsored by:

Thomson Reuters on Demand      

Latest posts at the FreePint Bar:

  • [FUMSI] Latest popular articles
    The following are the most popular FUMSI articles over the last 30 days: * Next generation catalogues, discovery interfaces and their role in helping meet changing user needs * Enterprise Content Management: Another Role for Info Pros * Presentation Tools: Beyond Powerpoint * The Greening of a Business: Beyond the Bottom Line * An InfoRant on the State of Information Management Today Free uses of FUMSI articles are supported by our sponsors.
    Read posting online »

  • [RS] Resource of the Week: Legal Research: New PACER Web Site Now Online, A Completely New Look
    Here's one to share with the others you know who use PACER. We're going to provide a more in-depth look after all of us have some time to "look and use" the new site but from the moment the page appears on your screen you'll notice that it looks very different and, in our opinion, much better. Here's a cached version of the page before the change.
    Read posting online »

  • [VIP] Latest popular LiveWire posts
    There's a lot of valuable comment at the VIP LiveWire. The following are the most popular posts from our contributing editors over the last 30 days: * Health care 'socially' vibrant yet wary * Paywalls galore, but will they succeed? * Russian information services come of age * acquires Jigsaw * UK online consumers expect more for free Subscribe to the free VIP Wires Weekly to stay informed. Your comments on any posting are always welcome.
    Read posting online »

  • [FreePint] Relieving the Pressure
    Should your desk have a sign reading, 'Warning: Contents under pressure'? If so, you're not alone - most information practitioners today are under a lot of competing pressures: * Do more with less (budget, staff, resources) * Deliver value-added results * Extract all the juice out of paid-for resources * Find and maximise use of non-paid resources * Stay on top of ever-changing requirements. It's enough to make any pressure-cooker blow. Stress is sometimes more manageable, though, when you have context. Recent and upcoming FreePint Research reports can help you put your own experiences into the broader context of what other professionals are experiencing and open up possibilities for resolving the challenges. Streamlining processes can help you do more with less. Products that fit into your workflow can make a big difference in your efficiency and productivity. Participate in the current FreePint Survey on Workflow -- the resulting report will be published later this month.
    Read posting online »

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 FUMSI Features

FUMSIFUMSI publishes articles, tools, and a monthly magazine, to give you practical help with information skills. Visit

However you Find, Use, Manage or Share Information, you'll find something in FUMSI to help.

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We add new articles to the FUMSI database in each practice area every month, which are free to read, browse, email, print or save. Here are the most recent additions:

Government Policies in Support of Electrification of Automobiles

Susan Connelly MurphyBy Susan Connelly Murphy

Electrification of automobiles is a hot topic on the green agenda and, inevitably, there is a vast amount of government policy on the subject. Susan Connelly Murphy shows us how and where to search so that we can pin down both international and individual country policy.

WHAT'S INSIDE: 'Government policy on electrification of automobiles falls into four major categories: tax incentives; grants; public investment; and research and development projects. A review of representative countries in each of the major regions will find some countries with well-defined and co-ordinated policies containing clear goals with financial support, and other countries with only general statements of intent. A place to begin research into this area is with the international agencies that track climate change legislation. News and journal articles are also good information sources to follow policies under consideration and recently enacted.'

Read, print, save or forward this article now »

Writing for the public domain

Jonaki SarkarBy Jonaki Sarkar
FUMSI: Share

Writing for the general public is not a simple task. Apart from writing in plain English (not straightforward in itself), there are fonts, formatting, alternative formats and languages, accurate data and, most important of all, the audience you are writing for, to consider. In this article, Jonaki Sarkar steers us through the do's and don'ts of writing for the public domain.

WHAT'S INSIDE: 'All the information produced for the public (both online and in print) should be accurate, free of jargon, easy to read and presented in a clear way. As well as this, the information needs to look good, so design plays an important part. If it doesn't look good, no one will pick it up...and what's the point of producing information that no one is going to read?'

Read, print, save or forward this article now »


The latest recommendations and tips from our editors, contributors and community:

Visit the FUMSI Forum »

FUMSI - Forthcoming Topics

  • Repurposing work product
  • Semantic library catalogues
  • iPhone apps for researchers
  • SharePoint for information and knowledge management
  • Social media expertise, revisited

If you have a suggestion for an article topic, or would like to write, then please contact <> or read the notes for authors at

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FreePint Report: Regulatory Compliance Resources

Regulatory Compliance Is Not Optional

Find out which tools info pros use to maintain it

The FreePint Report: Regulatory Compliance Resources provides insight into a growing field:

  • Budgets and staffing
  • Regulations of greatest interest
  • Needs and requirements of info pros

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This project was generously sponsored by Bureau van Dijk, LexisNexis, Morningstar and Perfect Information.

 VIP Features

VIP VIP publishes in-depth, unbiased reviews of business information products. If you purchase or use premium information resources, make VIP part of your professional reading every month »

VIP issue 78The Business of Socialising: A VIP Editorial

By Stewart Bain

Stewart Bain is VIP's guest editor for May. He is responsible for Reader Development at Orkney Library & Archive and wrote about his experiences with social media for FUMSI

Living in what is considered to be one of the more remote areas of the UK I can fully appreciate the benefits that the internet has brought in terms of information sharing and connecting people throughout the world at the click of a button. In the not-so-distant past, residing in certain geographical areas would have meant exclusion from various employment or business opportunities; now it is possible to live and work almost anywhere.

This issue of VIP includes reviews of some of the online tools that help people in all locations to make contacts, share details and find employment. You will discover the positives and negatives of the business networking site LinkedIn, the online business directory Jigsaw, and the business search engine ZoomInfo. These companies all emerged in the last decade, and have grown and expanded at an incredible rate, with LinkedIn now having over 65 million members.

I must admit my previous knowledge of these services only went as far as having heard their names; after reading the reviews I was inspired to take a closer look at what they have to offer; I now have a much greater understanding of their value as mechanisms for networking and information sharing.

Also explored in this issue is, which our review describes as the product you need if you wish to 'find out about trends, people, investment, products and collaboration in biomedical sciences'. The site allows users to search for experts in the biomedical field, our reviewer gives a detailed description of just how easy, or not, the service is to use. Working in a public library I couldn't help but raise a smile in recognition at the problems thrown up when searching by author name.

It was interesting to read in Tap the Wire about the high percentage of Fortune Global 100 companies using social media, and the statistics for the preferred platforms in different world regions. Nancy Davis Kho mentions that just about all companies should 'want to reach clients in local markets using social media'. At Orkney Library & Archive we are about to celebrate our first year as twitter users, and in that time we have found it an invaluable tool for informing and interacting with our service users.

Serving a population spread over twenty islands, social media enables us to engage with our users in ways never before possible and helps get our message out into the heart of our communities; these platforms are used by everyday people of all ages, people who may not have been aware of what we can do for them. Similar to the role of the companies reviewed in this issue, we have also found social media a great means of making business contacts, including information professionals, authors and publishers. It's also how I came to be writing this introduction to another excellent issue of VIP; I hope you enjoy it.

Purchase the individual reports associated with the current VIP by clicking the links above, or purchase Issue No. 78 to receive both and save money over the individual cost.

VIP LiveWire

VIP contributing editors comment daily on what's happening in the industry.
Visit the LiveWire for their insights, and subscribe to the free VIP Wires Weekly for regular alerts.

VIP Wires Weekly is generously sponsored by Financial Times.

Financial Times

Most Read Postings on the LiveWire Recently...

Always feel free to comment on any item on the LiveWire, and if you do not yet have a free subscription to the VIP Wires Weekly, you can sign up now »

Purchase VIP Magazine No. 77 from the FreePint Shop, or start your subscription now »

VIP LiveWire »

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VIP publishes in-depth, unbiased reviews of business information products. If you purchase or use premium information resources, make VIP part of your professional reading every month »

VIP - Forthcoming Topics

  • Westlaw UK and Lexis Library (comparative review)
  • Debtwire from Mergermarket
  • Zephyr from BvD
  • Alacra Compliance

If you have a suggestion for an article topic, or would like to write, then please contact <> or read the notes for authors at

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Jinfo Jobs:

Here is a selection of the latest featured vacancies in the Jinfo database:

  • Research Professional
    A Research professional looking to develop their career in an established firm is required to undertake...
    Recruiter: TFPL Intelligent Resources
    Country: United Kingdom

  • Researcher
    Country: United Kingdom

  • Junior Research Analyst- Media
    Consultancy wants excellent communicator with commercial acumen to support media client service team & assist in knowledge development. London - £good
    Recruiter: Sue Hill Recruitment and Services Limited
    Country: United Kingdom

  • Senior Researcher - Wealth Management
    Wealth Management Sector Sopecialist to provide in-depth research and thought leadership support in Central London.
    Recruiter: Glen Recruitment
    Country: United Kingdom

Browse all Jinfo Jobs »

Jinfo Events:

Here is a selection of the latest featured events in the Jinfo database:

  • Viral marketing for promoting the LIS
    'Viral', 'buzz' and 'word of mouth' marketing are currently recognised as some of the most effective marketing techniques available.
    Organiser: CILIP
    Date: 10 June 2010
    Country: United Kingdom

  • SLA's Annual Conference & INFO-EXPO 2010
    SLA's 2010 leading-edge conference for information professionals from around the globe for networking and learning opportunities!
    Organiser: SLA
    Date: 13-16 Jun 2010
    Country: United States

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 Highlights from DocuTicker

DocuTicker publishes citations of full-text, free reports available on the web. Visit daily for new postings, or subscribe to the weekly DocuTicker Newsletter.

Recent postings:

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 Highlights from ResourceShelf

ResourceShelfEvery week, the editors of ResourceShelf explore a Resource of the Week. Get them for free every week via email by subscribing to the ResourceShelf Newsletter.

Become a fan of ResourceShelf and DocuTicker on Facebook.

Recently published:

Resource of the Week - Legal Research: New PACER Web Site Now Online, A Completely New Look

Here's one to share with the others you know who use PACER.

We're going to provide a more in-depth look after all of us have some time to "look and use" the new site but from the moment the page appears on your screen you'll notice that it looks very different and, in our opinion, much better. Here's a cached version of the page before the change.

Here are a few of the things you'll notice as soon as the page loads.

1. Use of color

2. At the top of the page
Near the of the page (below the maroon line), seven drop down menus including links to the Registration Page (Three types are available). "Find a Case" locator, "E-File," Quick Links (FAQ, account management, individual links to court PACER sites, etc.)...

View entire posting, including live links »

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A look back at what the FreePint Newsletter covered at this time in previous years:

FreePint Newsletter Archive »

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