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Newsletter No. 09quarter4

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FreePint FreePint News and Digest
October 2009

Robin Neidorf If pressed to assign a theme to the past 12 months, I would probably opt for this: Managing Risk and Reducing Costs. It would not be exaggerating to say that every conference, report, meeting and sales discussion I've had since October 2008 has touched on this theme.

Both managing risk and reducing costs depend, fundamentally, on reliable, comprehensive information. Thus, in my optimistic moods, I feel that information practitioners are positioned at the heart of business success. (In less optimistic moods? Well, that's when I remind colleagues that FreePint's gap subscription programme makes our premium publications available to information professionals seeking their next opportunity.)

FreePint is in the midst of two research projects that speak to this theme. First, in the arena of managing risk, we have our Copyright Practices Research Project. Copyright management has been a hot topic for our subscribers for some time. Recently, due in part to high profile legal cases, copyright compliance has moved up the corporate agenda.

Phase 1 of this project is now underway, with a survey designed to capture information on policies and priorities among those responsible for copyright compliance. You can read more about this project, and we invite you to participate. Your responses are anonymous, and you'll get a copy of the report. (Special thanks to project sponsors: Dialog, Dow Jones and the Financial Times.)

Reducing costs was reiterated as a critical theme in the recently published VIP Report on Economic Impact. We're also seeing it emerge in the still-ongoing VIP Survey on News Needs and Preferences. Respondents so far continue to report that premium services for news content still beat out free offerings for functions, advanced searching, and reliability; at the same time, respondents report that their organisations are using more free resources for news coverage, and anticipate increasing their use of free in the coming 12 months.

Whether your top priority is managing risk, reducing costs or something else altogether, we hope you'll come by the FreePint Stand #122 at Online Information in London, 1 - 3 December, to talk about it. Please RSVP to let us know you'll be there, or just to register your interest in the FreePint Special Report on Online Information 2009.

We look forward to seeing you there, or sharing what we learn with you if your cost-reduction measures prohibit a trip to London this year.

Robin Neidorf,
General Manager, FreePint

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Read about and participate in FreePint's Copyright Research Project

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Learn about VIP's Report on Economic Impact Research

Participate in the VIP Survey on News Needs and Preferences

RSVP for Online Information 2009

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Dow Jones Enterprise Media GroupSponsor's message

You invest in information. What are you getting in return?

Today's knowledge economy is powered by information but operates on Internet time. Knowledge workers have access to more information than ever, but less time for decision making.

Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group combines respected reporting with innovative technologies to drive additional value from news, data and information.

For our customers, this means increased productivity and competitive advantage, all of which lead to a more intelligent - and profitable enterprise.

Learn more about maximising your return on investment »

Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group currently sponsors the Share practice area of FUMSI

 FreePint Feed - Recent Posts

The FreePint Bar Digest is a summary of the latest postings at the FreePint Bar.

The FreePint Bar is a free Q&A forum where you can ask your tricky research and information-related questions. Reply to any posts or add your own questions, and participate with a global community of other contributors.

'When I've got a question, but I don't know who has the answer, I always head to the Bar. I've not been disappointed yet.'
-- Phil Caisley, June, 2009

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Thanks to our sponsors for their generous support of the FreePint Bar. Current sponsors:

Dow Jones Enterprise Media Group

Latest Postings:

513815: Re: Copyright (Jane Macoustra)
513821: Re: Information on Indian Cities (Jane Macoustra)
513814: Re: Unbleached Kraft (Jane Macoustra)
513757: Contract Caterers (Keith Britten)
513855: [TIPPLE] 10 websites for current scholarly journal (Roddy MacLeod)
513868: [TIPPLE] Web 2.0 (Joanna Ptolomey)
514027: [FreePint] Copyright Research - Participate! (Robin Neidorf)
514272: British citizens: Public Records (Larry Zamora)
514349: Re: British citizens: Public Records (Allan)

[513815] Re: Copyright

Author:Jane Macoustra
Date:21/10/2009 12:38 am
Category:Communications and Publishing

Reply To:(#496045) Copyright
Date:11/06/2009 11:18 am

I think the problem here is the way in which the work has been used. Has the excerpt been cited and acknowledged properly? There is a clause of "fair use" in copyright legislation, but I don't think in this instance it is covered. It generally applies to research and educational purposes. Here is where the anomaly lies. I'd get permission asap, if I were the user of the works of another in this instance. J

^ Contents

[513821] Re: Information on Indian Cities

Author:Jane Macoustra
Date:21/10/2009 01:03 am
Category:Information Issues

Reply To:(#505077) Information on Indian Cities
Author:Rosy James
Date:27/08/2009 01:36 pm Business Week Asia - India Special Edition Who's Who in India - to find out where, of course :-) Indiastat J

^ Contents

[513814] Re: Unbleached Kraft

Author:Jane Macoustra
Date:21/10/2009 12:13 am
Category:Company, Industry, Country and Product Research

Reply To:(#511608) Unbleached Kraft
Author:Sheila O'Flynn
Date:07/10/2009 02:56 pm

Hi Sheila, You didn't specify any date line or region, but if you look at, they could fulfill your needs if you drop them a line. Failing that, there's loads of pulp and paper associations, depending on the region you want data for. Earthtrends may be useful - here Natural Resources Canada is another - beware - read their copyright policy and get permission before use. I've used these resources before, but my query was somewhat different to yours. Good Luck. J

^ Contents

[513757] Contract Caterers

Author:Keith Britten
Date:20/10/2009 03:27 pm
Category:Company, Industry, Country and Product Research

Does anyone know of a good source of information re contract catering and the contract catering companies involved? Thank you

^ Contents

[513855] [TIPPLE] 10 websites for current scholarly journal

Author:Roddy MacLeod
Date:21/10/2009 09:30 am

10 websites to help you keep up-to-date with scholarly journal contents - a blog post from the spineless? blog."> Note: Post your Tipple to help other Bar users get the most out of the web for information work. Or share 5 resources as 'My Favourite Tipples' to be published with your photo and byline in the FreePint Newsletter. Learn more about contributing.

^ Contents

[513868] [TIPPLE] Web 2.0

Author:Joanna Ptolomey
Date:21/10/2009 12:19 pm

When integrating web 2.0 the experiences can be similar in any industry sector. Find out how the world of medicine is exploring web 2.0 and reaping the benefits at the 17th Cochrane Colloquium just last week in Singapore. By the way, get familiar with the Cochrane Collaboration (gold standard medical evidence). So when you want the real evidence behind crazy medical stories check them out; you know the power of berries to cure cancer and alike.Recommend the streams from the closing sessions - Chris Mavergames and David Tovey. note: This is a Tipple, a recommended resource from one of FreePint's many contributing editors. Read about the team here: your own tipple - a blog, site, or resource you recommend. Guidelines at Joanna Ptolomey serves as a FUMSI contributing editor for the Use practice area and also reviews products for VIP.

^ Contents

[514027] [FreePint] Copyright Research - Participate!

Author:Robin Neidorf
Date:21/10/2009 11:25 pm

Hi -- FreePint has launched the first phase of a 2-part research project on copyright compliance. Information managers responsible for copyright within their organisations, departments or locations are encouraged to complete the first survey: Read the press release about the project: All survey responses will be fully anonymous. Respondents will receive a copy of the report, including the results of the survey, feature stories and related resources on copyright. -Robin Robin Neidorf General Manager, FreePint Thanks to this project's sponsors for their support: Dialog, Dow Jones and the Financial Times.

^ Contents

[514272] British citizens: Public Records

Author:Larry Zamora
Date:23/10/2009 06:27 pm
Category:Information Issues

After having consulted Lexis, Westlaw, and local colleagues, I'm at a bit of a loss, and am wondering if you can help. Here in the U.S., we have online services called Accurint and ATXP Choicepoint (both with Lexis now, I believe) which provide background info (e.g. assets, current and past addresses, bankruptcies, etc.) on American citizens. My question is: Does a comparable service exist for British citizens? Thanks! Larry

^ Contents

[514349] Re: British citizens: Public Records

Date:24/10/2009 03:42 am
Category:Information Issues

Reply To:(#514272) British citizens: Public Records
Author:Larry Zamora
Date:23/10/2009 06:27 pm

The major credit rating agencies Experian and Equifax hold some of this data. could help with historical addresses.

^ Contents

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Pre-Order Your Copy of VIP's Report on News Products

Order November's best-selling issue with our comparative review of news products from major vendors + the VIP Report on User Feedback: News Needs and Preferences and receive a 5% discount on the package:

  • Professional (Single site): £70
  • Multisite: £175
  • Enterprise: £409

(Prices do not include VAT where applicable)

Read about last year's results »

"The reviews are very thorough, very useful. I don't have time to investigate every product myself, so VIP reviews save me time." -- Mirjana Martic, Business Information Specialist, SAQ

"It was a great idea to include survey results this year" -- purchaser of 2008 results

 FreePint Feed - Recent Posts

FreePint Feed - Recent Posts

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Click a title to view the entire item:

Latest Postings:

[FreePint] Newsletter 288: Trusted Info Skills, Ne (Robin Neidorf)
FreePint 288 has been published and is available at In this issue: * 'Social media strategy: How I Became an Expert in Three Days': When Ann Danylkiw was hired as's social media expert, she had a s ... »

[VIP] More than Data: Products that Perform (Robin Neidorf)
Today's content products need to do more than deliver information. To compete effectively, they have to help users understand, visualise or interact with that information. This month, VIP publishes two product reports that highlight unique analysis ... »

[FUMSI] Report: Folio on Taxonomies and Tagging (Robin Neidorf)
Hi -- FUMSI has published the FUMSI Report: Folio on Taxonomies and Tagging, which includes the results of our survey on how taxonomies and tagging are being applied in organisations.The report also includes 6 articles from the FUMSI article database ... »

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FreePint Survey

Are your copyright policies and practices protecting you? Are you sure?

Participate in FreePint's Copyright Research Study to gain insight into:

  • How well your organisation manages copyright
  • How the industry can improve tools, technologies and training to maintain compliance.

Complete the phase 1 survey now:

More information on this project »

This project is sponsored by Dialog, Dow Jones and the Financial Times.

Still accepting responses: VIP's News Needs and Preferences Survey:

 VIP - Latest Reports


Stand-alone product reviews of premium content products, plus reports on user feedback

If you make or support purchase decisions on premium content products, VIP Reports on Products offer unbiased reviews to help you manage your budget and time. VIP Reports on User Feedback offer perspective on how other information centres are reacting to a changing environment.

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Or purchase as needed, starting at £39 for single-site use.

 FUMSI - Latest Reports


FUMSI supports everyone in an organisation with improved information skills - from entry-level assistants to senior leadership.

FUMSI ReportsNow available: FUMSI Report: Folio on Knowledge Management

Has KM come of age? Or are ongoing frustrations and 'turf wars' getting in the way? Learn best practices and next steps from the experts -- those who are implementing and improving KM every day.

FUMSI ReportsNow available: FUMSI Report: Folio on Taxonomies and Tagging

Information resources are growing exponentially. Taxonomies and tagging provide methods for cataloguing and controlling the potential chaos. Get the backup you need to make the case for investing in taxonomies or tagging, and learn the pitfalls.

FUMSI reports include the results of our community surveys, editorial commentary from contributing and guest editors, recommended resources, and articles from the FUMSI article database.

Take a 3-month trial for the same cost as this individual report (£39 single-site).
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VIP Survey

What's Your Need for News?

Complete the survey »

Survey respondents tell us that their most important factors in selecting a news service are:

  • Advanced searching capabilities
  • Direct cost
  • Ease of use for end-users.

And the least important:

  • Interactive features
  • Workflow integration.

Do you agree? Share your opinions »

As always, responses are anonymous. Provide an email address at the end of the survey to receive a copy of the results.

FreePint publishes a collection of resources to help information workers be more effective, raise the value of information in their organisations and contribute to success.

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