Jinfo Blog

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Norma Beavers Intellixir - Analyse & Visualise Data Resources
25th April 2016

We live in a world that’s driven by images and that’s having a knock-on effect when it comes to data. Who doesn’t want clearer snapshots of what data means these days? Our reviewer, Dr Michelle Maxwell, has reviewed one of the latest innovations in data analysis and visualisation tools – Intellixir 11.1. Find out what she thinks of the system.


Catherine Dhanjal Jinfo Reviews Web of Science - Curated Research Content
22nd April 2016

In our in-depth product review of Web of Science, we look at how this citation index database for researchers in science, social science, arts and humanities has evolved and how they can make best use of its 1 billion cited references.


Jody Ridgwell Jinfo Newsletter 445 Published
21st April 2016

Jinfo Newsletter 445 has been published. Get our Insights & Actions Report and start work towards an improved collaborative future.


Natasha Chowdory My Favourite Tipples from a Data Science Enthusiast
21st April 2016

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Natasha Chowdory, an assistant librarian in a specialist technical library at Microsoft. Natasha shares some of her go-to resources in the field of personal development and big data.


Elizabeth Trudell Jinfo for Biopharma
14th April 2016

Effective relationships result from a shared understanding of the expertise brought by each party, whether it's information services working more effectively with the IT department or the organisation's leaders valuing specialised source expertise input for strategic decision-making.


Robin Neidorf Alignment with IT Happens at Every Level - 5 Things You Can Do to Get There
14th April 2016

Alignment between information services and the IT department should happen at every level of the organisation. Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, explains how to make this happen.


Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Going Beyond Search, into Strategy
13th April 2016

How can information experts take on a role that's more strategic than "search" within their organisations? Co-producer of the Research Focus "Source Expertise - What It Means in a Google World", Anja Chemnitz Thygesen introduces the articles and product reviews published so far and gives a taste of what's to come.


Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
13th April 2016

As well as articles about improving relationships with IT we have also published the results of Jinfo's research into relationships between IS and IT and product reviews for Web of Science and Zotero. There are also plenty of webinars and Community sessions scheduled for the next few months so be sure to register ahead for those. 


Robin Neidorf Researching IS and IT - from Outsourcing to Control of Key Projects
8th April 2016

Our recent research into "Relationships Between Information Services and IT" shed light onto areas from outsourcing to control of key projects and reporting lines. Robin Neidorf picks out some highlights.


Catherine Dhanjal Jinfo Reviews Zotero - Bringing Order to Research Sources
7th April 2016

Our product review of Zotero considers the benefits and risks of this open source tool designed to help you "collect, organise, cite and share" your research sources.
