Jinfo Blog

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Stephen Phillips Content licensing – we get it
25th October 2021

Why is it so hard for information professionals to influence and drive an organisation’s strategy? This latest Jinfo blog offers insights from our most recent Community session on content licensing; and outlines what’s coming up next.


Robin Neidorf Improve the system, not (just) the outcome
21st October 2021

Everyone's interested in how information contributes to successful business outcomes in R&D, and anecdotal evidence is not uncommon. If you need measurable, repeatable results each quarter, or by year-end, Value Chain analysis gives you insight into the value of information across the whole field of R&D.


Susan Gleckner Gain confidence and trust through new vocabulary
13th October 2021

What are your Known Fors, and what would you like them to be? We’re trying to encourage clients to be more ambitious, to give themselves permission to imagine. Consulting on Centre of Excellence can be the first step in charting your own destiny.  


Stephen Phillips Manage your content portfolio for risk
11th October 2021

For many organisations settling into a post-pandemic operating environment, risk management is top of the agenda. Content licensing teams need to make the case for how information contributes to risk management. If you’re looking to influence these key internal discussions, Consulting on Content Portfolio could be the answer.


Robin Neidorf Is your content advisory board primed for strategy in 2022?
7th October 2021

Have you started formulating strategy for 2022 yet? If you’re to shift stakeholder perception and develop action plans, that needs to happen this autumn. Jinfo’s Consulting on Value Chain provides the tools to be recognised as critical strategic partners.


Robin Neidorf Your essential contributions to successful digital R&D
29th September 2021

When R&D is at the heart of a business, the value of information services is surprisingly tangible. Jinfo's Director of Research shares successes clients have recently achieved. They have raised their visibility with senior stakeholders, as well as changed their conversations from transactions/costs to strategy/value.


Robin Neidorf Build from a solid foundation of value
29th September 2021

You CAN make the value of information visible and measurable, and we invite you to try it: Tell us one challenge you face in making your case for value, and we’ll talk you through the Value Chain solution that will address it.


Susan Gleckner Make the most of an hour
27th September 2021

As an information manager, do you find your time squeezed? Jinfo’s Centre of Excellence framework offers relief. Clients report that within an hour, sessions on Pillars of Service give them the breathing space to create logical structures for high-end, customer-oriented services.


Stephen Phillips Portfolio value is an inside job
23rd September 2021

Are you budgeting for 2022 yet? The internal discussions can be the trickiest, especially in the face of rising prices. Jinfo’s Consulting on Content Portfolio helps customers create a clear information investment philosophy stakeholders can understand.


Rebecca Gebhardt Brizi Capacity comes from strategy
15th September 2021

Evolving as an Information Centre of Excellence requires new thinking and strategy, not just more people to do the work. Jinfo’s clear step-by-step visioning and planning process helps you describe the future and identify the qualities, characteristics and skills required to get there.
