Jinfo Blog

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Robin Neidorf Research Update - Try our research-led thinktanks for yourself
11th August 2016

Jinfo's Community sessions offer a unique opportunity to openly discuss issues with peers in a facilitated environment, find out more.


Andrew Clark My Favourite Tipples from a biopharmaceutical specialist
10th August 2016

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Andrew Clark, director of scientific information services at UCB, a mid-sized biopharmaceutical company based in Belgium. He shares his favourite online resources in areas from strategic planning to real-time information monitoring.


Norma Beavers EditorEye Catalyst - track market innovations and breaking news
8th August 2016

EditorEye Catalyst, a cloud-based source aggregation and content management platform, has stepped out into a highly competitive market to compete against the likes of Northern Light and Alacra. Jinfo's mini review gives insights into why, despite the strengths of the competition, it's still worth considering what EditorEye Catalyst can offer.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo for information strategy
1st August 2016

Is your information service stuck in transactional mode or operating at strategic level? Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, highlights the telltale signs of reactive mode and key traits of successful information centres.


Norma Beavers OneSource platform - compelling company data and impressive UI
29th July 2016

Jinfo has just published a product review of Avention's revamped flagship offering, OneSource. Find out what we think of the latest content enhancements in this global company information platform, how it works and whether OneSource could add value for users.


Robin Neidorf Research Update - Is your current awareness system working to its optimum?
21st July 2016

We're seeing a revolution in current awareness handling, see the results of our latest research into the subject.


Andrew Tattersall My Favourite Tipples from an information specialist in the health sector
20th July 2016

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Andy Tattersall, an information specialist at the School of Health and Related Research at The University of Sheffield. He shares his favourite online resources in areas from reference management to research impact.


Anja Chemnitz  Thygesen Practical action on Jinfo's Research Focus, from a commercial intelligence perspective
20th July 2016

We interview an information specialist in the commercial intelligence field to find out what they found most valuable about the Research Focus, "Source Expertise - What It Means in a Google World", and how it's affected their thinking and future plans.


Norma Beavers Fame from Bureau van Dijk - how does the new interface perform?
15th July 2016

Our just-completed product review of Bureau van Djik's Fame, puts this specialised company information database to the test and considers why its new interface is a bonus.


Shimrit Janes Get practical guidance on your organisation's current awareness needs
14th July 2016

As part of Jinfo's Research Focus, "Content and technology for current awareness", we have a range of webinar and Community sessions available to help you gain information on areas from content platforms to new sources and the increasing importance of data analytics.
