Jinfo Blog

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Elizabeth Trudell The fast-changing face of discovery services - new Jinfo research
6th June 2017

Over the last few years, the meaning of the term "discovery services" has been evolving and changing among information professionals. A fresh Jinfo survey looks deeper into factors driving the deployment of discovery services in corporate settings and uncovers overlap into web-scale tools, enterprise content management systems and data analysis products.


Catherine Dhanjal What does Overleaf offer scientists and researchers?
5th June 2017

If your organisation has a requirement to produce technical articles, grant applications and other documents, particularly those requiring the use of mathematical formulae, scientific notations, graphs and charts then you'll want to find out what our reviewer thought of LaTeX-based software tool Overleaf.


Catherine Dhanjal Catch up on Jinfo for your role today
31st May 2017

Jinfo has had a busy quarter producing a full range of articles, blogs, reports and webinars about content purchasing, knowledge management, information strategy and optimising a research team. Take a look back at our highlights, to take stock of where your organisation stands while contemplating your next steps.


Robin Neidorf Research update - improved access to our research and insights
25th May 2017

Find out how we've reorganised our team for focused management on our Content, Community and Consulting services.


Rebecca Gebhardt Brizi My Favourite Tipples from a business consultant
24th May 2017

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Rebecca Gebhardt Brizi, a business operations consultant working with companies on strategies for growth. She shares her favourite online tools in areas from learning & development to organisation.


Catherine Dhanjal Managing queries and content spend with Priory Solutions
23rd May 2017

Is your budget being spent in the best way and are your resources being used in the best way to handle requests? We find out how Priory Solutions and its products Quest and ResearchMonitor can help.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo for optimising your research service
22nd May 2017

Here's how we recently answered a customer query into how best to organise your information services team to achieve better proactive planning and continuous improvement.


Catherine Dhanjal Unique insider insights from Emissary
18th May 2017

We find out how new market entrant Emissary brings new insights to the sales intelligence process.


Catherine Dhanjal Making the most of ebooks in learning
16th May 2017

The use of ebooks and elearning is fast-evolving and keeping pace is the need for the information centre to work more closely with sister departments, such as HR. We look at recent Jinfo articles and reports on the subject.


Catherine Dhanjal Transform your information centre deliverables and their perceived value
16th May 2017

How can you capitalise on the outputs of your enquiries and use your deliverables to raise the profile of the information centre and your expertise? Our recent report explains.
