Jinfo Blog

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Stephen Phillips Does your data tell a story to your stakeholders?
25th May 2022

Understanding the value of information requires context, and storytelling is how we can make context clear. Jinfo’s methodology of Value Chain Analysis enables you to construct a compelling story for your stakeholders about the value of information. Wondering how it works? That’s also a compelling story – learn more.


Robin Neidorf What can you do with Value Chain Analysis? What CAN’T you do?
11th May 2022

Value Chain Analysis has its roots in client work, going back nearly a decade. Since then, information teams in a range of industries have adapted and applied it to a host of business challenges, with transformative results.


Robin Neidorf Trust Your Knowledge, Elevate Your Standing
27th April 2022

We challenge and encourage information teams to trust – and then build on – their knowledge of the business context for information. The most common response we get is, “But we don’t know, and stakeholders don’t tell us.” Here’s the secret: You know more than you think you do. Trust your knowledge.


Robin Neidorf Change your mindset, change your world
13th April 2022

Information teams want to tie value to business impact, deepen their relationships with stakeholders, and be perceived and operate as strategic partners in the business. But, before they can do any of these things, they have to shift their own mindset. Jinfo clients learn why and how through Community sessions and 1:1 work with our analysts, and the results of this shift in mindset rocks their world.


Robin Neidorf Information leaders start in front of the mirror
23rd March 2022

Information leaders have a wide range of personalities, skills and spheres of influence – there’s a leadership style that suits just about everyone. Jinfo clients explore and cultivate theirs in Community sessions and 1:1 work with our analysts. Think you aren’t leadership material? Look in the mirror and think again.


Robin Neidorf Practise the seven habits of information leaders
9th March 2022

Get our quick reference guide to the subtle shifts and practices that turn good information managers into excellent information leaders. We’re all somewhere on the journey towards leadership – take the next step with practical suggestions and examples from Jinfo clients who are also on the journey.


Robin Neidorf Stakeholder engagement is not what you think it is
23rd February 2022

If you are focused on raising stakeholder awareness, you are probably focusing on the wrong problem. Flip your perspective on how to strengthen those key relationships someone’s awareness is raised, but it’s not stakeholders’. Jinfo explains how this shift is part of the journey to making your department the internal go-to resource for information strategy. 


Stephen Phillips Simple actions propel effective stakeholder engagement
10th February 2022

Stakeholder engagement is a fundamental tool for information strategy, and simple steps can help extract what you know and distil it into a format leading to action. So often we see teams make major progress quickly with just a tweak or two – speak to us to develop your insight.


Stephen Phillips Lively discussion and tips on information strategy – 'get started, keep going'
27th January 2022

How do you keep strategy top-of-mind? This month's Jinfo Community session saw three information teams share tips on how they 'get started and keep going' on information strategy. By speaking to us, you can take the first step in helping you build momentum.


Robin Neidorf Get started, then keep going, on information strategy
11th January 2022

Two simple actions can help you make progress with information strategy in 2022: getting started and keeping going. Information managers we know are ready to share seemingly small changes that make a difference. Jinfo currently has a full slate of clients engaged in this work, but we’re looking ahead – can you do more to help yourself make 2022 a success?
