Jinfo Blog

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Robin Neidorf Insight 1 from Research Focus on excellence - great teams need solid strategy
5th April 2019

Jinfo's Centre of Excellence model creates clarity for information teams. We provide a research-based framework for developing what teams already are working towards while offering a roadmap for further planning, decision-making and service reengineering.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo for content purchasing
4th April 2019

Have you made the shift from a numbers-based approach to content purchasing to a more holistic approach based on results, value-add and impact on the business? This blog from our director of research, Robin Neidorf, will guide you on that journey to re-establishing your skills as a business essential.


Robin Neidorf Research update - regain control with workflow optimisation
21st March 2019

We teach the Jinfo process for confronting the pressures of time using our acronym SOAPS: Streamline, Outsource, Automate and Push back or Stop doing. Learn more through our Subscription resources, Jinfo Consulting and more fundamental pieces available on our blog.


Anne Barker My Favourite Tipples from a patent and biotech information specialist
20th March 2019

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Anne Barker, an information specialist in the legal department at Genentech. Anne shares some of her preferred resources in areas from patents to healthcare conference posters and human gene databases.


Catherine Dhanjal Catch up on Jinfo for your role today
11th March 2019

Whether you're responsible for content purchasing, running a research team or focusing on information strategy, our blog has useful information to help.


Robin Neidorf Research update - the two things you need in order to optimise
7th March 2019

The key to workflow optimisation isn't a better project management tool, or a smarter knowledgebase, or a mobile app, or additional headcount. You don't need a new system. You need to make more of what you already have.


Sian Tyrrell My Favourite Tipples from a head of horticultural information
6th March 2019

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Sian Tyrrell of the Royal Horticultural Society. Sian shares some of her go-to resources in areas from plants to science, research, GDPR, plus where she turns for fun.


Robin Neidorf Research update - optimisation at your fingertips
21st February 2019

Learn how Jinfo's Subscription resources and consulting offerings help your get more value from the same (or smaller) headcount. Whether it's webinars on improving efficiency, competency frameworks or examples of how technology is transforming industries, we've got something to shape your thinking and inform your action plans.


Mary Chitty My Favourite Tipples from a biopharma librarian and taxonomist
20th February 2019

My Favourite Tipples are shared by Mary Chitty of life science network Cambridge Healthtech Institute. She shares some of her preferred resources in areas from biomedical to innovative medicines and leadership skills.


Robin Neidorf Building sustainable habits of optimisation
13th February 2019

There's a basic formula for improving optimisation services for teams, and Jinfo helps teams apply those principles. We break down big ideas into manageable bits, while remaining flexible and adaptable and holding you (gently) accountable for progress. Learn more about Jinfo for team optimisation and how we can help your team build sustainable habits and achieve its goals.
