Jinfo Blog

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Robin Neidorf Research update - Don't get stuck at "now what?"
26th September 2019

Don't get stuck at 'now what?' - Jinfo's assessment and planning workshop shows you how to get the best of benchmarking.


Robin Neidorf Research update - benchmarking is just the beginning
12th September 2019

Find out about our full range of benchmarking resources and how you can highlight the value of your information team.


Claire Laybats Go from "what?" to "now what?" - Jinfo Consulting's benchmarking-based assessments
11th September 2019

With benchmarking, the context of data is just as important as the numbers and with Jinfo's valuable benchmarking data we can help you communicate more effectively with stakeholders and customers or find out how our Consulting workshops can help you tailor our insights to your unique situation.


Robin Neidorf Catch Up, Keep Up: Jinfo Webinars available to book now
11th September 2019

Information professionals are as time-pressured as everyone else in business, but with Jinfo's Webinars and Community sessions - included in your subscription - have the opportunity to book out time to catch up with the latest developments in areas such as benchmarking, the ROI of current awareness, content purchasing and closing the "news is easy" gap. Each session offers unique content, with full speaker notes available to subscribers following sessions.


Robin Neidorf To manage capacity, know your objectives - Jinfo for optimising your information service
2nd September 2019

How you optimise your information service will depend on your overall objectives. These will invariably change over time but Jinfo's research which captured and reported comparable data across a range of industries and organisations can help. Find out how else we can help you better align your skills and time with those of your customers.


Robin Neidorf Insight 3 from Research Focus on benchmarking - yes, you can measure impact
27th August 2019

Are you confident that you've got the right metrics in place to demonstrate the value of your information service? Read our blog to doublecheck and find how you can move your metrics to the next level.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Information teams measuring impact
22nd August 2019

Highlighting the value your information team brings to stakeholders is vital. Find out how our analysis from our documenting the value chain report can help you make better decisions.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Benchmarking-based insights - what makes a good peer group?
8th August 2019

Benchmarking your information service requires good operational metrics about your department so you can make better decisions. Find out how Jinfo's useful resources and services can help you achieve this.


Robin Neidorf Jinfo for information strategy
5th August 2019

How can you use Jinfo's benchmarking research to define and measure your highest value to the information centre? Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, highlights research and resources along with Jinfo's Consulting workshops.


Robin Neidorf Insight 2 from Research Focus on benchmarking - do you have your measurements?
1st August 2019

In order to benchmark your information service against other services you need data. Find out the top three variables you may be missing.
