Jinfo Blog

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Robin Neidorf Research update - Intelligence is dynamic - your systems need to be, too
5th December 2019

Information is constantly changing and your approach also needs to continually evolve to meet the needs of your end-users. Find out how continuous improvement can work for you and your team with Jinfo's resources.


Robin Neidorf Insight 3 from Research Focus on intelligence - continuous improvement or bust
28th November 2019

Evaluating intelligence was once something that information teams could afford to undertake only every two or three years. But those days are gone, replaced by a continuous process of improvement to maintain competitiveness. But with a well operated system, using the right tech and tools to remove the drudgery of data-gathering, this is well within your scope.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Measure and improve ROI of your intelligence systems
7th November 2019

Can you measure and demonstrate ROI on your intelligence systems, and improve them over time? Jinfo's Research Focus 'Intelligence systems - intelligence 2020' shows you how.


Robin Neidorf Overcoming the inertia... of motion - Jinfo for information strategy
5th November 2019

Strategy and optimisation are two sides of the same problem: the traps of culture and habit. Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, highlights resources that help you overcome inertia and make progress on strategy.


Robin Neidorf Insight 2 from Research Focus on Intelligence - the "value dance" of sources, tech and users
4th November 2019

How do you determine the value of your intelligence system? In this latest blog, Robin Neidorf looks at how balancing the ongoing, three-way dance between ever-expanding source material, advances in technology and the foibles of user behaviour is the key to staying in front.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Improve your balance of the three elements of intelligence
24th October 2019

Jinfo's latest newsletter points the way for information teams seeking how to balance the variables that allow them to filter and distribute business information to best effect.


Lynn Strand Upcoming Jinfo events: webinars and Community sessions on current awareness and intelligence
23rd October 2019

Register for a Jinfo webinar or Community session to give yourself a commitment to a 60-minute period of thinking about the future.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Ramp up intelligence and deliver impact
10th October 2019

Find out how to make the best use of your time with Jinfo's research which is short, focused on action, and provides easy links to additional resources.


Claire Laybats 2020 vision for strategic portfolio management - Jinfo for content purchasing
7th October 2019

Make 2020 your year for strategic portfolio planning with Jinfo's unique impact-based approach to managing your portfolio where you'll learn new approaches to maximising value, communicating with stakeholders and negotiating with suppliers.


Robin Neidorf Insight 1 from Research Focus on Intelligence - change your mind, change your world
1st October 2019

In what terms do you think of newsletters and alerts? As current awareness tools, or part of an intelligence system? In this Insight blog, Robin Neidorf describes how shifting towards the intelligence mindset can deliver important benefits to your business.
