Jinfo Blog

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Robin Neidorf Research update - contracts, risks, users... it's all about value
5th November 2020

Jinfo's Consulting Pilot on Value Chain is helping its customers negotiate better and manage risk. Find out how we can also help you with strategy and team goals for the coming year.


Robin Neidorf Strengthen your information contract renewals with value chain analysis
29th October 2020

Negotiating information contracts with vendors can be difficult without enough data on the true value derived from a product. Jinfo's Consulting Pilot on Value Chain enables you to define the impact of products on generating revenue, enabling efficiency and managing risk. Take ownership of value and better navigate these negotiations.


Robin Neidorf Research update - counting down 2020, prepping for 2021
22nd October 2020

As we approach the end of a challenging year, now is a good time to evaluate where your information team is and focus on the key areas where you can take positive action in the new year. Find out how Jinfo can help with Consulting, workshops and Community sessions.


Robin Neidorf Research update - transform your toughest contract renewal
8th October 2020

At the end of a challenging year, rely on Jinfo's support by signing up for one of our Community sessions for peer input and advice, along with our research for applying value chain concepts to your licensing conversations.


Robin Neidorf Research update - "What's the value?" Show the ROI
24th September 2020

With all the pressures this year, you're probably having to prioritise your time more than ever. Our prioritisation worksheet can help you justify the time and effort needed for value chain analysis.


Robin Neidorf Research update - pilot your organisation in the direction of value
10th September 2020

Our Consulting Pilot on Value Chain can help you make the case for value chain analysis. Tailor your pilot to the unique characteristics, goals and challenges of your organisation with knowledge, guidance and the industry-wide perspective of our analysts.


Rebecca Gebhardt Brizi Community sessions - a unique opportunity for frank conversation
8th September 2020

You don't want to miss our next Community session where you’ll be able to engage in peer dialogue with other information professionals about issues that matter to you. Join the conversation with your peers on important topics such as contract negotiations, stakeholder management, and evaluating products.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Questions about value chain... answered
20th August 2020

Join Jinfo's free online discussions in September and find out how value chain analysis can transform your information service, using real-world experiences of customers and providing exercises you can start immediately.


Robin Neidorf Research update - Let's talk about value and how to communicate it
6th August 2020

Join the conversation on value chain analysis by signing up to one of Jinfo's free online discussions in September and find out how you can use this transformative process to measure against your organisation's goals.


Robin Neidorf Facing the ROI challenge? Value chain analysis is the answer
27th July 2020

The challenge of connecting information to business goals like efficiency, innovation and generating revenue is top of mind for most information teams. Use Jinfo's framework of analysing value chains to demonstrate ROI, connect information with business outcomes, and develop metrics-based dialogue with stakeholders in terms they understand.
