Jinfo Blog

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Robin Neidorf Research update - aspiring to “strategic”? You’re in good company
18th February 2021

Complete Jinfo’s self-assessment worksheet to help you increase your value, negotiate from a position of strength and be more strategic about content portfolio management.


Robin Neidorf Research update - assess your strategic portfolio management needs
4th February 2021

Create a tailored roadmap towards strategic content portfolio management with the help of Jinfo’s Consulting on Content Portfolio and self-assessment worksheet.


Robin Neidorf Become a more strategic content portfolio manager
28th January 2021

Jinfo’s latest Focus will help you develop your strategic content portfolio management skills and get to grips with content licensing and value-driven management.


Jody Ridgwell Enhancements to the Jinfo website
21st January 2021

Find out about the improvements to Jinfo’s website and how we’ve enabled more streamlined viewing and saving of content and made it easier to access and navigate the site.


Robin Neidorf Research update - what matters most to smart information managers
21st January 2021

Move into 2021 with a Jinfo Subscription. Jinfo offers a wide range of resources on the state of the information industry, including information strategy, value chain analysis, content purchasing and licensing.


Robin Neidorf Research update - what's your focus in 2021?
7th January 2021

Embark on the new year with Jinfo’s wide range of helpful resources designed to enhance your information strategy, value and visibility.


Robin Neidorf Research update - peeking around the corner to 2021
17th December 2020

As we look forward to 2021, let us know what projects you’re most looking forward to and what challenges lie ahead - complete our two-question survey.


Robin Neidorf Research update - what can you leverage in 2021?
3rd December 2020

Following a year like no other, how do you plan for 2021 in the information strategy field? Register for Jinfo's "State of the Industry" Webinar on 5th January. Plug into the insight on information strategy you need to enhance and communicate your expertise in the year ahead.


Robin Neidorf Research update - how many of these statements make you say "yes"?
19th November 2020

With a new year just around the corner, now is the time to prepare for a more positive and productive 2021. Find out how Jinfo can help you do this with its worksheet and tailored Consulting sessions.


Robin Neidorf 2021 budgets, the future of information, and you
11th November 2020

Budget planning for 2021 will already be a challenging enough process without navigating the impact of the pandemic on your organisation. Jinfo Consulting enables you to meet the demands of preparing a budget by using our expertise to help you link value to your organisation's strategy. Take the opportunity to effectively align your goals and build strategic foresight for success.
