Jinfo Blog

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Stephen Phillips Talent management, legal news cut, generative AI developments and new products
5th September 2023

Learn about the vital role of nurturing the talent pipeline and succession. There’s now a legal cut of our news and current awareness survey. And a real need for information managers to assert themselves to maximise the value of generative AI and mitigate the risks.


Stephen Phillips News and current awareness, GenAI, talent development and pharma and bioscience CI are in all in our sights
2nd August 2023

The Jinfo news and current awareness survey is now available. Our GenAI coverage continues with a new article and a Q&A with three industry experts. Sign up for our September Community session on talent and to contribute to our next research project on competitive intelligence in pharma and bioscience. 


Stephen Phillips GenAI developments and competitive intelligence in pharma and biosciences
4th July 2023

Catch up on the latest news from Jinfo on Generative AI (GenAI) as well as sign up to our July Community session to get a view from the suppliers on the impact of GenAI.  Don’t miss the opportunity to contribute to our latest research into Competitive Intelligence in the pharma and bioscience sector, and look out for the result of our News and Current Awareness Survey later this month.


Stephen Phillips News and current awareness survey last call, and insights on AI in the information industry
6th June 2023

Our "News and current awareness" survey closes soon so be quick to participate, and then register for the highlights in our next Community session. If you're monitoring the impact of generative AI on the information industry, don't miss the insights in our latest article ... and the response from vendors next month.


Stephen Phillips Vendor management template, news and current awareness survey, AI
3rd May 2023

Check out our new vendor management template and contribute to our latest survey on the provision of news and current awareness services.  Come along to our next Community session to discuss the impact of AI and get some great tips for managing up from our April session.


Stephen Phillips Contribute to the news and current awareness survey 2023
2nd May 2023

LAST CHANCE: Participate in our survey on news and current awareness, and receive a summary of the results.


Stephen Phillips More effective vendor negotiations
3rd April 2023

Information managers continue to come under pressure to produce savings and efficiencies. Our new Vendor negotiation checklist will help you prepare more effectively for future negotiations.


Stephen Phillips The goalposts keep moving…
1st March 2023

Corporate belt-tightening continues and we are all being asked to do "more with less".  But how practical is it to maintain service levels with diminishing resources? Before the straw breaks the proverbial camel’s back, how do information leaders proactively manage stakeholders’ expectations and resist the urge to "make do and mend" when budgets are tight?


Stephen Phillips What a difference a year makes….
1st February 2023

2023 is turning out to be a very different prospect to 2022. Many information leaders have seen changes in their reporting lines as well as dealing with economic headwinds. This is a particularly difficult combination, so information leaders need to focus on articulating their value and maintaining a positive mindset.


William Hann Happy anniversary Jinfo, née FreePint
4th January 2023

25 years, 600 editions, 500 contributors. Jinfo has come a long way, and so has the value of information work. However, information leaders still need to win the war for talent, hold vendors to account, and keep an eye on competitors.
