Robin Neidorf Research update - Closing the gap between strategy and action
Jinfo Blog

5th March 2020

By Robin Neidorf


For professionals struggling with time, strategy and resistance to change, Jinfo's Research Focus "The Information Centre of Excellence - commercial, consultative, collaborative" is a must. This final insight of the focus offers various options to help professionals move forward with strategy and optimisation.


If you've ever...

  • Struggled to prioritise or make time for strategy

  • Made strategic plans, which were left mostly unactivated

  • Been confused by the resistance to 'process changes' that the whole team agreed upon...

...then you need to get the full test of this insight:

"It's the daily actions and continuous improvement that make your vision a reality."

This is the final insight of the Research Focus, "The Information Centre of Excellence - commercial, consultative, collaborative".

This insight speaks to Jinfo's recognition that strategy and optimisation are two sides of the same coin, and together they form the foundation of an Information Centre of Excellence.

If you want to act on this insight, Jinfo has options:

Or talk with us about your specific needs - we can design projects to help you close the gap between your vision and your day-to-day reality, whether for one area of your service or across all operations. Start the conversation today.

This item was featured in the most recent Jinfo Newsletter. The Jinfo Newsletter brings you updates on Jinfo's research, latest resources and tips. If you're not yet receiving it, register here (free).

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