Claire Laybats Supercharge your strategy; focus on value
Jinfo Blog

18th June 2019

By Claire Laybats


Find out how Jinfo workshops can help you find the time to invest in strategy and service development.


"I wish I had time to invest in strategy and high-value work. But I can't even make the time to figure out how to make the time."

If any part of this sounds familiar to you, you are not alone. Creating the balance between strategy and operations is an ongoing challenge, and most of us feel like we're facing it blindfolded with one hand tied behind our backs.

Three of the most important things Jinfo has learnt from the teams that successfully focus on information strategy and make a practice of optimising team operations are these:

  1. The work is hard, but even harder is establishing the framework for it and creating accountability for doing it. (Check out this blog item for tips on framework and accountability.)

  2. Don't jump to "what can we cut?" Try SOAPS: Streamline, Outsource, Automate, Push back, Stop doing. (Further explanation here.)

  3. You make time for high-value work through optimising all transactional work. Tricky, challenging, ongoing... but do-able. (This blog item explains further.)

You don't have time... so do it now.

If you wait for the perfect time to make time... well, you know what's likely to happen. Start with strategy, start with optimisation, but START.

Jinfo can help:

But the fastest way to determine how to give you the most value for money in articulating or sharpening your strategy and/or implementing optimisation processes is to talk with me. Tell me what's most important to you, and together we can design the package to help you leap the everyday hurdles that make strategy and optimisation so challenging.

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