Robin Neidorf Jinfo for content purchasing
Jinfo Blog

5th April 2018

By Robin Neidorf


If you're responsible for content purchasing for your organisation, don't miss this blog by Jinfo's director of research, Robin Neidorf, as she highlights alternative ways to manage your portfolio, justify purchases and gain a more proactive relationship with your stakeholders. She also presents a round-up of Jinfo's most relevant articles, reports and reviews for people responsible for buying content and content products.


If you're responsible for content purchasing and licensing in your organisation, here are the latest Jinfo insights and resources for you:

Holistic, not piecemeal

To communicate the value of information investments, take a holistic view of managing your portfolio, instead of a contract-by-contract approach.

Explore this idea with other professionals responsible for content purchasing by joining our upcoming Community session, "Jinfo for content purchasing - holistic management + your burning issues" on 9th May.

As an industry, we've become more skilled at developing the right business case to justify a purchase, renewal or change around a specific information need. That's great, but now consider:

  • The overall intent of investments - what specifically are you trying to achieve?
  • What key performance indicators (KPIs) demonstrate that you are achieving your goals?
  • Are any changes to the portfolio warranted to improve impact?

One of the benefits of shifting your focus this way is that it can pull you into a more proactive relationship with your stakeholders - exactly what's needed for positioning your expertise for the future.

Get further insight on this positioning in the recent article, "How to refashion information teams into client-serving consultancies"; and re-think your communications about your expertise with the report, "Jinfo model for improving upwards communications".

Start with smaller-scale focus

Rethinking the entire portfolio is a big change. You can start small, by consulting on information investments for specific projects. 

A great place to work on this is in the burgeoning field of data analytics: 

No time?

To think through holistic portfolio management, you have to invest time to step back from the perpetual wave of incoming requests, project tasks, meetings and demands to give yourself the mental space to think clearly and strategically. 

If dedicating this time is something you struggle with (and don't we all?) you might find June's Community session, "Setting aside time for strategy", a valuable environment in which to talk with your peers and come up with approaches to try.

Find out how Jinfo supports content purchasing

Jinfo resources support content purchasing with original research, product reviews, market landscapes, Q&As with vendors and more. If you have a Jinfo Subscription, you have access to all our Content; if your account includes Community access, you also have access to upcoming Community sessions and the notes from previous sessions. 

We publish research-based insights, facilitate peer-to-peer discussions on them and offer consulting services to tailor those insights to your needs. Learn more about the benefits of a Jinfo Subscription.

Recent Subscription resources of particular interest to our customers involved with content purchasing: 



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