Norma Beavers Fame from Bureau van Dijk - how does the new interface perform?
Jinfo Blog

15th July 2016

By Norma Beavers


Our just-completed product review of Bureau van Djik's Fame, puts this specialised company information database to the test and considers why its new interface is a bonus.


Bureau van Djik launched a new interface in June 2016 which has a modern look and feel. Fame, along with Orbis, is the first of the company's databases to showcase this new interface.

The organisation is a global provider of highly structured company information but Fame has a specific focus on companies in the UK and Ireland and covers more than 9 million companies.

In Jinfo's just-published product review of Fame, reviewer Chris Porter takes a look at the content, functionality and market positioning of the new version.


New interface & features

According to Chris, "The new interface version is impressively easy to use and has clearly been the subject of much thought and hard work. It is also clearly still a work in progress, with some elements of functionality yet to be added; the previous interface version will continue to run in parallel for the foreseeable future."

Chris puts the spotlight on "Ownership Explorer" as an important new feature for users. He says it provides a graphical representation of corporate linkages, additionally allowing users to flag entities of a specific type. It also uses colour to instantly highlight them on screen. The system also enables clients to incorporate their own data. All of this combines to speed up the research process.

There's little doubt that this new release of Fame will enhance its position as a strong contender for the budget of buyers needing a high-end company information solution, says Chris.

Find out more

Read the full in-depth product review, including Fame's key advantages and value drivers, recent developments and future product plans. To get a feel for this new interface and what it has to offer, read Jinfo's product review of Bureau van Dijk's Fame.

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