Robin Neidorf FreePint for Government
Jinfo Blog

30th November 2015

By Robin Neidorf


Government agencies have to address an additional set of expectations that private companies simply don't face. We identify highlights from recent FreePint articles, Communities of Practice and consulting sessions which are of interest to those in government responsible for adapting information strategy to practice.


At FreePint we work with customers to help them articulate the main objectives of their organisations, and these usually fall into one of several main categories:

  • Innovation
  • Efficiency
  • Revenue
  • Profitability
  • Risk management

...And then there are our government customers, who also have to address an additional set of expectations that private companies simply don't face:

  • Transparency
  • Public interests
  • Accountability
  • Political agendas.

Manage the Multi-Layered Environment

In this environment, information experts in government agencies struggle mightily to implement best practices, create efficiency and adopt innovative tools and approaches. We hear from them on these issues following article publication, during Communities of Practice sessions and in one-on-one consulting projects: often as much or more of their energy goes to managing through this multi-layered environment as goes to the detail of information work.

That's one of the reasons I was so pleased that we published the recent Q&A with The MITRE Corporation, on how their information service focuses on innovation. The MITRE Group's customer base is made of up US government agencies, so although it is not itself part of the government, it has traditionally operated in a similar fashion. Yet through a clear vision and strong personalities (plus significant top-down support), the information centre has succeeded in shifting its culture and service delivery from "business as usual" to "how can we inspire you?"

Shift Stakeholder Views

Our advice when working with government agencies is fundamentally similar to that which we give to private organisations: position yourself as the internal information consultant; define your strategy clearly against organisational goals; invest and re-invest in your own expertise around sources, technology and value.

In the practical daily application of this advice, however, we know that what would be measured in weeks in a private company can easily take months in a government agency. Shifting stakeholders in this environment takes a long view, exceptional communication skills, and a balance of strategic vision with realistic expectations.

Take Action 

Check out the most recent FreePint resources of particular use to government agencies. Then contact us to discuss how we can help adapt strategy to practice in your environment. 





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