Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

4th November 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


FreePint's Topic Series "News, and Other Commodities" is now well underway, read articles on fee vs free company data and news, the increasingly significant role of private equity investment in the information and publishing markets. Learn about our latest in-depth product reviews and about the webinars and Community of Practice sessions upcoming - and the work we do with our consulting customers.


Content (Articles, Reports, Webinars)

The current Topic Series, "News, and Other Commodities" continues its examination of the tricky question of "value" when applied to news, company and people information:

  • Private equity investors have been increasing their holdings in the business information and publishing sector and Andrew Lucas asks Is Private Equity Bad for Publishing? Andrew looks at how private equity works and considers whether it has a negative impact on businesses such as Alacra, BvD, and Cengage, and the impact it can have on customer relationships.
  • FreePint recently published a Product Review of Alacra Premium, a business and financial information aggregator, used for ad-hoc research requests to gain insight on companies, industry sectors and countries for those who don’t have or need multiple database subscriptions. Find out how Alacra Premium can save you money by avoiding the need for dozens of unnecessary subscriptions.

Two FreePint Webinars have also been scheduled as part of the series: 

Other articles and Q&As recently published include:

An end-of-series report, Next Steps in Content Usage, comprises a full thematic index of content from the FreePint Topic Series "All About Usage - From Content Sharing to Data Mining" in a convenient PDF package for download and offline reading.

Another end-of-series resource is the upcoming webinar "What We Learned about Usage" (multiple dates in November). This 30-minute webinar will discuss strategic insights from the series, along with adaptable recommendations for how to act on them.


As part of the Topic Series, "News, and Other Commodities", we have a teleconference Community of Practice scheduled for December:

  • "The End of an Era for News Databases?": our research points to the decline - and perhaps fall - of news databases. Join this discussion to get perspective and consider what such a change might mean for your organisation. Buyers only.


A typical use of the six-hour consulting credit that comes with a Consulting-level FreePint Subscription is staff training. For one customer, we're dedicating those hours to:

  • Initial meeting on establishing priorities for training in 2016 - what are the information team's goals, and which areas of focus for training will make the most progress?
  • Three bespoke training sessions, based on the results of the initial meeting.

This consulting is being delivered via web-based meetings, enabling team members in several countries to participate in every session. 

Our Content is the broad platform through which we publish research-based insights. Community provides the environment to discuss them with peers. Consulting tailors the insight to your needs. Find the right FreePint Subscription level to meet your needs.

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