Sophie Alexander Onelog - Scrutinising Usage of Electronic Subscriptions
Jinfo Blog

4th September 2015

By Sophie Alexander


Is it possible to manage login credentials easily and get accurate usage statistics to make informed decisions about the value of online resources to the organisation? Dale Moore reviewed electronic resource management product Onelog and we find out whether it really helps you take control of usage and costings.


FreePint Topic Series: All About UsageAuthentication and usage is under the spotlight in FreePint's Topic Series, "All About Usage". FreePint's managing editor Catherine Dhanjal met Onelog representatives at a recent Pharma Documentation Ring (P-D-R) event focusing on authentication technologies and this, together with comments from users at the event, sparked our interest in reviewing the system.

As an information manager with many years of experience and expertise in content findability platforms, Dale Moore was well placed to review Onelog, the electronic resource management platform, owned by ITS (Info Technology Supply Ltd), a leading software development company.

Subscription Sources Under Scrutiny

With clients from the education, public library, legal, corporate and government sectors, ITS has a global presence across five continents. It's currently used by customers in a range of industries, particularly law firms in North America, Europe and Australia.

As one law firm explained to ABA Journal back in 2009, "There are a lot of bizarre and complex pricing models out there, and we need to know if they are justified."

With information centre budgets continuing to be under tight scrutiny in 2015, the demand for accurate usage reporting remains high. As Onelog customer Moore & Van Allen explains, "Implementing Onelog has enabled us to review the usage of our electronic subscriptions in ways that we have never been able to before."

Flexible Modules

Read more about this "deceptively simple" password and content management platform and learn more about the Onelog's flexible modules which can be added or deleted as necessary, including Chargeback, Mobile and Web Control. 

In the Mini Review of Onelog (subscriber content) read about some of the platform's most useful features including a wide range of configurable options to suit individual organisations.

As Onelog says, its products offers "unlimited access to unlimited users for unlimited resources" and unlike other products there are no hidden costs.

The product is primarily aimed at information managers in their capacity as administrators but no technical expertise is required.

FreePint Subscribers can log in now to view the Mini Review of Onelog to find out more about set up and navigation in Onelog, managing resources in the user library and seamless integration into an existing workflow, as well as information on mobile access and set up of user permissions.

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