Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

22nd July 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting including our articles, webinars and Communities of Practice in the new Topic Series, "All About Usage - From Content Sharing to Data Mining". Consulting projects include bespoke sessions based on "What We Learned" for each topic series.


Content (articles, reports and webinars)

The start of a Topic Series is always exciting - we publish the first items relating to an area of critical importance, and our editorial calendar for the coming weeks is full of compelling developments.

The Topic Series, "All About Usage: From Content Sharing to Data Mining", is no exception. We know that "usage" doesn't mean today what it did 20 years ago... and within a few short years we expect it to transform again.

  • Still to come are Q&As with vendors and reviews of products that streamline -- or complicate -- "usage". We're also soon to close the data-collection phase of our survey on authentication (read more about it here, including a link to participate), followed by another survey on the existence and effectiveness of corporate policies around usage of web content.

And if these ideas are relevant, register your interest in the Topic Series to make sure you don't miss anything.


The Topic Series has also put its stamp on planned Communities of Practice:

  • We've just announced a September teleconference session, open to both buyers and sellers, on "Tackling the Authentication Challenge". We'll discuss the results of the authentication survey and aim to come out of those sessions with some practical ideas that both buyers and sellers can bring into their organisations about where we collectively need to go to solve this critical business requirement.
  • Not yet fully scheduled but coming soon will be in-person CoP sessions for both buyers and sellers in New York (October) and London (November). We'll be taking a broader look at the new world of "usage", and what both sides in the commercial relationship need to understand about how its changing.

If you'd like to learn more about these in-person sessions, including how to volunteer space for meeting, please contact our Director of Research, Robin Neidorf at


Is your team over-busy? Welcome to the club. Several Consulting-level customers are making the most of the 6 hours included in their subscriptions by having FreePint analysts deliver private sessions based on our "What We Learned" webinars for each Topic Series. 

This has proven to be an effective development opportunity and an efficient way to make sure staff are getting the most important content and ideas out of our research.

If you're curious about this approach, register to attend one of the sessions of our webinar, "What We Learned about Information Skills Development", and afterwards we'll be happy to create a "taster" of our consulting-level services with a bespoke version of this session for your team.

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