Catherine Dhanjal FirstWord Pharma PLUS - Increasingly Impressive Editors & Value-Added Content
Jinfo Blog

21st July 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


Catherine Dhanjal explains the criteria we used to review FirstWord Pharma PLUS - and what particularly impressed our reviewer, Robyn Smith, about this personalised news, analysis and expert opinion service.


As a librarian with 25 years of experience in the pharmaceutical and medtech industry we felt Robyn Smith was ideally placed to review FirstWord Pharma PLUS. In addition to her work experience, Robyn also formerly served as chair of the Pharmaceutical and Health Technologies Division of SLA.

Robyn's Product Review of FirstWord Pharma PLUS makes for interesting reading. The personalised news, analysis and expert opinion service is FirstWord Group's pharmaceutical industry-focused, premier information platform. 

In assessing the product's value, Robyn was positive: "Having used all of the competitor products in my professional life, I have to say that I was impressed by the improvements that FirstWord has made in stepping up the quality of the content over the past few years. FirstWord Pharma PLUS does not try to be anything other than what it is - a high quality news and analysis service for pharmaceutical industry professionals at all levels."

Readership is not just US-focused, although the US and Canada represents 60% of the whole; 32% are in the EU and 8% in APEC. 

The in-depth review covers elements including:

  • Users
  • Value
  • Pricing
  • Competitive landscape
  • Planned developments & product maturity
  • Content
  • Coverage
  • Translations
  • Searching
  • Customisation
  • Customer service
  • Usage statistics. 

In her overview of value, Robyn highlights the "increasingly impressive staff of editors garnered from the competition which signals the growing reputation of the product in the marketplace". 

FreePint Subscribers can login now to read the full Product Review of FirstWord Pharma PLUS.

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