Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

8th July 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting including our concluding articles, webinars and report from the "Best Practices in Information Skills Development" series. Find out about our next Topic Series, "All About Usage - From Content Sharing to Data Mining". Don't miss our upcoming Community of Practice events on authentication & single sign-on, and on the future of information. Consulting projects include tailored private meetings about FreePint's research insights.


Content (Articles, Reports, Webinars)

As we wrap up the Topic Series, "Best Practices in Information Skills Development", we've published:

You can find all the content produced in this Topic Series from its category page, but for an efficient overview of the most important findings, register for the upcoming webinar, "What We Learned about Information Skills Development", scheduled for multiple dates and times at the end of July.

At the same time, we've launched the next Topic Series, "All About Usage - From Content Sharing to Data Mining":

We hit the ground running on this one, thanks in part to a partnership with the Pharma Documentation Ring (P-D-R) to preview our research on authentication and single sign-on. Read about our participation in the P-D-R's private conference, then learn more about this research project and complete the survey.

This Topic Series covers a broad range of critical issues relating to what "usage" looks like in today's organisations, and what it might be in the future. Read about our co-producers, Andrew Lucas and Anja Thygesen, then check out Andrew's overview of planned resources.

We've got a range of product reviews, Q&As and additional research projects planned, so be sure to register to get notifications. 

And if usage of ebooks is of interest, you won't want to miss the webinar on "The Corporate Market for Ebooks: A Look at the Research", taking place at the end of July.

Finally, we've published three reports since the last Subscription Update:


July is "strategy season" for many of our customers. Those working on a calendar-year basis use this period to reflect on progress to date and plan for the coming year, while those with a fiscal year starting on 1st July also seem to be in planning mode.

This makes it a perfect time for FreePint to likewise be reflecting on strategy, and we're running a teleconference Communities of Practice (CoP) session on "Driving the Future of Information - FreePint's Research Agenda".

Also planned: a CoP to review, reflect on and discuss the results of our research on authentication. To get notified when it's scheduled, be sure to register for the Topic Series, "All About Usage".


Several Consulting-level customers find it helpful to schedule private meetings that cover our "What We Learned" insights following each Topic Series. These have proven to be an excellent and efficient use of time. Users get a chance to ask questions about the Topic Series, work through how the insights apply to their world and suggest further areas for FreePint Research to investigate.

If you would like to schedule a "What We Learned" session for your team, either as part of your existing subscription or as a "taster" of consulting-level services, please contact our director of research, Robin Neidorf at

Ensure you and your team benefit from a FreePint Subscriptionwhich at the Content level puts all FreePint articles, reports and webinars at your disposal, at the Community level opens up access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of FreePint's bespoke annual consulting time. Unsure if your organisation has a FreePint Subscription? Contact us.

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