Robin Neidorf Subscription Update for Vendors
Jinfo Blog

22nd April 2015

By Robin Neidorf


Vendors of information products and services use FreePint for competitive and market intelligence... we've identified some of FreePint's recent articles and reviews in this field, and highlighted relevant Community of Practice events and consulting services to vendors.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

The recently completed Topic Series, "Making Information Visible", offered a wide range of tips and insights on the variables that contribute to users' ability to see the right information at the time of need. 

Our vendor market overview summarises all the vendors featured in this series, according to how they address the challenge of making information visible.

Several of the vendors included in the overview are featured in Q&A articles, which describe in more detail their approach to visibility. These include Tallyfy, Mindbreeze, Lucidworks, EBSCO, InfoDesk, Reprints Desk, Acquire Media and Copyright Clearance Center.

Also of importance to your understanding of how organisations work on and prioritise the visibility of information to end users: FreePint's survey results on "Making Information Visible", analysing data from 145 survey respondents on how technology, content and user behaviour play out in their organisations.

FreePint partnered with Dow Jones to produce an extremely popular webinar as part of this series: "Beautiful Information is Visible Information". We featured a walk-through of Dow Jones' visualisation module as part of this session; participants were enthusiastic about the opportunity to have practical insight into a leading product in the marketplace.

Recent reviews and mini reviews covered Manzama, Tableau Desktop, AdisInsight, Minesoft PatBase, Commetric, and the full overhaul of Nexis. The latest product reviews can always be found on the product review category page, and a search on our site for a vendor or product name plus "review" is the easiest way to see if we've covered a competitor, a potential partner... or even your own offerings.


Recent Communities of Practice sessions have been geared primarily towards information buyers. However, we are planning buyer-seller sessions for London and New York in the coming months, and we're also planning to open up industry-focused sessions like the recent session for information buyers in banking and finance to vendors.

If you have a suggestion for a subject for a buyer-seller session, please contact us.


The summer's conference season is gearing up, and we're working with several vendors to help them make the most of their investment in exhibiting. 

We've launched a market research project for one vendor, conducting structured interviews in the spring and then an in-person focus group scheduled during the SLA annual conference in Boston in June. The timing takes advantage of the fact that many of the target customers are already planning to attend the event.

We're also working with several vendors to supply white papers, tip sheets and reprints of product reviews for distribution at exhibitions.

For one vendor-partner, we've commissioned fresh research on a critical topic in which they want to demonstrate thought-leadership. They are providing highlights as a hand-out at events and the full paper to visitors who provide contact details either at the event or via the website - a great way to make the most of conference traffic but also reach members of the audience who cannot attend in person.

FreePint Subscription at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars, at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of annual consulting time. Find out more.

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