Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

21st April 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting - including the new Topic Series "Best Practices in Information Skills Development";  FreePint's Community of Practice events, which include an upcoming session for information managers in professional services. Content and Community-level Subscribers can now have a "taster" of our Consulting projects.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

The first Topic Series of the year, "Making Information Visible", is now complete - find all content on this page, and register to join one of our upcoming webinars on what we learned in this series.

The next Topic Series is now underway: "Best Practices in Information Skills Development" examines both strategy and tactics for keeping all knowledge workers on the leading edge of information work; register your interest to stay informed about resources in this series

A less formal milestone is the recent publication of a final cluster of articles from long-time contributor James Mullan, hitting his usual sweet spot on enterprise collaboration and maximised intranets, and where these concepts meet. A special "thank you" to James, as he is now taking a break from writing for FreePint as he began a new job appointment this year and needs to focus on his new duties.

Outside of Topic Series, some of the recent and upcoming resources include:

It's a lot to keep up with, and we make an effort to slice-and-dice our content in different ways to make it easier for you to find what you need. If you haven't yet done so, be sure to check out our periodic updates by industry. The most recent of these are for legalprofessional services and biopharma.


In May, we have another industry-focused Communities of Practice session, this one for professional services. We'll be looking at some of the variables that are uniquely challenging in professional services environment, such as the tension between billed work and overhead, how to allocate "general" expenses, and stakeholder management.

We're in the process of developing CoP sessions as part of the current Topic Series, "Best Practices in Information Skills Development". Registering for the series will ensure you are among the first to know when they are scheduled.


We've opened up the opportunity for current Content-level and Community-level Subscribers to take a taste of our Consulting-level services. Often a "taste" takes the form of a "next steps" planning and coaching meeting, following the customer's participation in a Communities of Practice session.

If you're interested in learning more about Consulting services, or if you'd like to schedule a "taster" session, please contact our director of research, Robin Neidorf, at

Find out more about a FreePint Subscription, which at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars, at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of annual consulting time.

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