Robyn Smith LexisNexis TotalPatent - Global Guide to Patents and Intellectual Property
Jinfo Blog

20th April 2015

By Robyn Smith


Robyn Smith identifies some highlights from her recent product review of global patent research database LexisNexis TotalPatent.


LexisNexis TotalPatent is a global patent database spanning over 100 patent-issuing authorities worldwide and the subject of a FreePint review published in April 2015.

IP - An Essential Part of the Competitive Landscape

Patent information providers are courting the expanded customer base that has resulted from the broader interest across organisations in understanding competitive landscapes of which intellectual property is an essential part.

TotalPatent consists of two separate databases - one with the countries for which full-text and machine translations are available, and one with bibliographic/abstracts only. They can be searched together or separately within the same interface. 

All content is stored on Lexis servers in Ohio, and the PDF files are compressed and fully searchable with the ability to cut and paste content. There are no links out to issuing authorities to access patents, unlike some other patent research products.

Search Strategy and Semantic Search 

Guided and Advanced search options are available with command language found under the Advanced feature.

A key distinguishing feature of TotalPatent is the semantic search. It is a powerful tool that generates weighted results from the patent literature as well as allowing for the refining of terms by adding or subtracting as you go. Semantic search was developed using technology licensed from with PureDiscovery (now known as Brainspace).

Terms/concepts/text of interest are entered and additional restrictions such as publication date, country, etc. can be applied. You then have two options: 

  1. Preview the results - shows semantic concepts generated by the analysis of the initial search terms; or

  2. Run the search as is and see how many and what kind of results you are getting first. You can then edit the query to alter your strategy.

Once you get used to using this feature, it can become something you want to use all the time - if not to find additional search terms, then to confirm that you are on the right track with your original strategy.

Alerts can be created and shared with multiple recipients. Search result sets can be stored, re-run, combined and edited in working folders. 

TotalPatent search results and the proprietary PDF files can be shared across an organisation regardless of whether a subscription is held by the recipients.

Find Out More 

This tool will appeal to existing LexisNexis users, and to more experienced patent searchers. It will take some getting used to by those not used to the Lexis interface, but is well worth reviewing when considering patent research tools.

To learn more about this and other capabilities, see the Product Review of LexisNexis TotalPatent.

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