Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

8th April 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting including articles, reports and webinars in the "Making Information Visible" series and a taste of the new Topic Series "Best Practices in Information Skills Development". Join our Community of Practice events on needs assessment for information visibility in April. We highlight consulting projects where research is planned for events such as industry exhibitions, where there is a critical mass of the relevant audience.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

The final pieces of the FreePint Topic Series, "Making Information Visible" have recently been published. These include:

One article has garnered more than the usual share of attention: "Why Enterprise Search Will Never Be Like Google". If you haven't yet checked it out, this one is not to be missed.

We've also published the chapters of our report on our survey on what "making information visible" means in corporate and enterprise settings. The first chapter (on tools and technology) can be found here, with links to the subsequent chapters. The full report will be available shortly, and we'll be sending a complimentary copy to all those to participated in the project.

Although this Topic Series is winding down, you can still register your interest here to receive two free reports and information about attending a session of our webinar on "what we learned", which will be scheduled for April and May.

If one series is ending, than another is starting: check out the opening editorial from the co-producers of the Topic Series "Best Practices in Information Skills Development", which runs through June 2015.

Whether you are focused on updating your own skills, those of other information professionals, or the wide array of knowledge workers who you know need to better understand the resources they have and how to use them, register your interest in this series today.


Due to popular demand, we're offering the Communities of Practice (CoP) session, "Needs Assessment for Information Visibility" twice more in April:

Watch for announcements about CoPs developed as part of the Topic Series on Information Skills Development.


With exhibition season coming up, we've talked with a number of industry vendors about making the most of the "critical mass" of customers and prospects. We have two research projects now in development to conduct interviews or focus groups during industry exhibitions.

Third-party facilitation of a session enables vendor staff to relax and participate in the discussion rather than trying to lead it. We also find that we manage discussions regarding emerging needs from a different set of assumptions, generating a different set of insights.

If you'd like to discuss consulting projects, please contact our director of research, Robin Neidorf, at

Find out more about a FreePint Subscription,  which at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars, at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of annual consulting time.

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