Catherine Dhanjal Subscription Update - What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

5th February 2015

By Catherine Dhanjal


Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting - including the latest on the current Topic Series "Making Information Visible"; and an update on FreePint's Community of Practice where sessions are lined up for information managers in government agencies, and tangible goods enterprises. We also provide an update on Consulting services with projects ranging from plans to deepen usage of information centre services to developing information strategy and governance.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

The Topic Series "Making Information Visible" has ramped up. Recently-published articles in the series include:

Register to take part in the first webinar in this series, "User Behaviour and Visibility", scheduled for later this month.

Then in March, participate in two additional sessions for at-your-desk professional development:

Registering your interest in "Making Information Visible" keeps you informed about everything we're producing as part of that Topic Series.

Other recently-published resources include an in-depth review of D&B Hoover's, and a review of the long-awaited overhaul of Nexis from LexisNexis.


We're continuing to develop the schedule for Communities of Practice sessions through June 2015. 

Needs Assessment for Information Visibility is taking place in March 2015, as part of the "Making Information Visible" Series. You can read more about this session here.

Also scheduled are two sessions specifically aimed at information managers in specific industries:

Our director of research, Robin Neidorf, will also be delivering a half-day session at the SLA Annual Conference in June 2015, called "Teach Beyond Your Reach: A Train the Trainer Workshop." The session will focus on how to translate subject-matter expertise into distance learning curricula.

The session is part of the next Topic Series for 2015, "Best Practices in Information Skills Development", and we're also working on scheduling additional sessions of the same workshop in other cities throughout the spring.


Consulting projects are getting busier, with the start of the new year:

  • We've kicked off a project to help an information centre evaluate how aware their stakeholders are of the range of services they offer, and then develop a plan to deepen awareness (and usage) in the coming months
  • Another customer has asked us to develop a project plan to facilitate a senior-level meeting on information strategy and governance; we're particularly pleased to support the further engagement of senior-level decision-makers across different parts of a business around issues of information provision and usage.

Every week we get questions, suggestions and comments from readers of all kinds. If there's something you want that you're not seeing (yet) in FreePint, please be in touch! I can be reached at, or complete our online contact form.

Find out more about a FreePint Subscriptionwhich at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars, at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice (as well as all FreePint Content), and at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of annual consulting time. 

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