Catherine Dhanjal FreePint Subscription Update: What's New and What's Coming
Jinfo Blog

2nd June 2014

By Catherine Dhanjal


Find out what's new and upcoming in FreePint's Content, Community, and Consulting - including interviews with Dow Jones, perspectives on the "right to be forgotten" ECJ ruling, and webinars and CoP sessions on understanding and measuring value.


Content (Articles, Reports and Webinars)

Sometimes we wonder what vendors are thinking when they make decisions or announce changes; sometimes we get to ask them directly.

If you're interested in what's happening with Factiva, don't miss our two-part interview with Frank Filippo, general manager of Corporate Products for Dow Jones. Part 1 focuses on what's coming with Factiva, and Part 2 looks at the company's overall product development strategy, including plans for DJX.

An in-depth review takes time, patience and resources to put together, but there's no substitute for taking a product for a test drive. Two reviews have recently been added to the collection:

The review of Knowledge.Works is part of the FreePint Series: Next-Generation Competitive Intelligence.

  • In addition to the tips articles and case studies which producer Mary Ellen Bercik has commissioned, this Series will also feature reviews of Comintelli's Knowledge XChanger and StrategyEye Digital Media.

Privacy has been on the minds of Europeans, in the wake of a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice on the "right to be forgotten" (link to PDF). Our contributing editors have different perspectives to consider - one from Tim Buckley Owen and another from Sophie Alexander.

We've added a webinar on the critical subject of value, which has proven so popular in our Communities of Practice (see below). This FreePint Webinar will take place on 18 June. If "value" and ROI are terms you're hearing and using more frequently in your organisation, you'll want to read more about this session and register to participate.

FreePint Subscription at the Content level gives access to all FreePint articles, reports and webinars.


Recent Communities of Practice have continued the three-part set of teleconferences on measuring value. These have been so popular, we've opted to restart them in June, so if you missed it the first time around, be sure to register for Session 1 here and Session 2 here. We do our best to hit a range of time zones. 

In-person sessions offer a different depth of interaction. On 5 August 2014, we'll be offering our popular session on value in New York City. This session is just for information managers or buyers of content, but then we'll be bringing both buyers and sellers together for a discussion on the limits of transparency. If you can be in New York on August 5th, be sure to get these on your calendar now.

We're part of the community as well as facilitating the discussion: recently, a customer in the pharmaceutical industry asked if we had any benchmarking information on how other pharma companies make content and information "discoverable" in their organisations. This was the ideal foundation for original benchmarking research, followed by CoPs for this group to discuss the results.

Would you like to see something similar for your industry or other peer group? Contact FreePint's director of research, Robin Neidorf at with your requests.

FreePint Subscription at the Community level gives access to all FreePint Communities of Practice as well as all FreePint Content.


FreePint is delighted to be part of a week-long focus on user training organised by KPMG. Our analysts will be presenting on "Maximising Research: Sources, Technology and Value" in round-the-clock sessions for KPMG researchers and users during the week of July 21st. 

This is a great use of KPMG's annual credit for bespoke work as part of their Consulting-level Subscription.

FreePint Subscription at the Consulting level adds a credit for up to six hours of consulting time per year.

If you are considering starting a new FreePint Subscription, see the overview video and order form.

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