Catherine Dhanjal Developing a Knowledge Management Function: Relevant FreePint Resources
Jinfo Blog

13th May 2014

By Catherine Dhanjal


Summary of FreePint resources on knowledge management and developing a knowledge management function.


We recently had a query from a FreePint Subscriber about FreePint resources on knowledge management and developing a knowledge management function.

We responded with a bespoke summary of our relevant articles, reviews and series. If you have similar interests in KM for your organisation, you'll find this summary useful for navigating the full range of resources FreePint offers.

Firstly we categorised the query into various aspects:

  • Demonstrating the value of knowledge
  • Setting up a knowledge management function
  • Knowledge management techniques
  • Knowledge managment in the legal field
  • Overcoming barriers to setting up a KM function, sharing knowledge and encouraging collaboration
  • Social tools, collaboration and knowledge management
  • Tools
  • Reports
  • FreePint Topic Series.

We then highlighted the most relevant content under each heading:


Demonstrating the Value of Knowledge


Setting Up a KM Function


KM Techniques


KM in the Legal Field


Overcoming Barriers to Setting up a KM Function/Sharing Knowledge/Encouraging Collaboration


Social/Collaboration & KM





Relevant Topic Series

Read more about and register for these Topic Series:

  • FreePint Topic Series: The Social Enterprise covered maximising internal social connections and knowledge management, and ran from January to March 2014. Registration provides a free copy of the FreePint Report: Buyer's Guide on Social Tools.
  • FreePint Topic Series: Beyond Aggregation ran from October to November 2013, covered news products, and registration provides a free copy of the FreePint Report: Buyer's Guide on News Content.
  • FreePint Topic Series: Big Data in Action ran from April to June 2013 and focused on providing practical guidelines for information managers wishing to incorporate the tools and concepts into their organisations. We will be revisiting the subject of big data in a new FreePint Topic Series coming later in 2014, focusing on big data and information skills.

Editor's Note

Order your FreePint Subscription and gain access to the full archive of FreePint Articles and Reports, plus have the ability to share these resources with anyone else at your organisation.

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