Robin Neidorf FreePint Subscription: Consulting Clarified
Jinfo Blog

14th March 2014

By Robin Neidorf


FreePint Subscribers at Enterprise level benefit from six hours of consulting time per year. Robin Neidorf gives examples of how customers have used the time from information audits to private briefings and market studies.


We have clarified our bespoke consulting offering, as available through a FreePint Subscription at the Enterprise level, which includes six hours of consulting time per year.

Consulting projects are hugely beneficial to FreePint Subscribers; these projects invariably give them unique insight into new market areas, tools or information resources.

Examples of Consulting Projects

Some customers use this credit for multiple small projects over the course of the subscription year; others apply it to larger market studies or information audits.

Examples of projects we have completed are:

  • Private briefing on news needs and preferences survey results and facilitated strategy discussion (3 hours)

  • Information portfolio audit and recommendations for subscription management tools moving forward (14 hours)

  • Overview of IT consultancies and their comparative strengths, weaknesses and perceptions of the marketplace (5 hours)

... and you can read more about different consulting projects here.

If you've got an idea for a project or if you know there's an area of concern and you're not yet sure how or if FreePint can help, please contact me at I'm always happy to talk through your needs and come up with a strategy to address them.

If your organisation doesn't yet have a FreePint Subscription, find out more about placing a FreePint Subscription Order.

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