Robin Neidorf Productive & Targeted Information from FreePint
Jinfo Blog

12th February 2014

By Robin Neidorf


Tackling issues such as which are the most productive tools, strategy and measurement techniques for the social enterprise, plus examining key information products like emerging markets deals source Transactional Track Record and intellectual property research platform Innography, make FreePint essential reading for information managers. In addition, FreePint's Communities of Practice offer the opportunity to discuss key challenges openly with peers across a wide range of industry sectors.


There's no better way to start the day than getting an appreciative note from a customer. Last week, I found this in my inbox from a senior information professional in the banking industry:

"I just spent some highly productive time on the FreePint site. In particular, I was reading articles from the Social Enterprise series and also your excellent analysis of Lex Fenwick’s resignation. The articles are right on target and are information that we very much need."

All kudos to our co-producers, Shimrit Janes and James Mullan, for their work to date on commissioning content for the FreePint Topic Series: The Social Enterprise. Recent articles provide real-world perspective on what makes social succeed and why so many enterprise social projects fail. Stay up-to-date on the latest additions when you register your interest in the series.

Ongoing developments at Dow Jones will no doubt be a subject of enquiry in the months to come; we're currently working to secure interviews with members of the transition team, and I always welcome questions and input from readers (email me at to help direct our coverage and analysis. In the meantime, our regular coverage of additions and removals from aggregators FactivaNexis and niche suppliers like Eureka come monthly, courtesy of our contributing editor, Anne Jordan.

Award-Winners, Examined

Valid information from and about emerging markets is always in demand. A recent review of Transactional Track Record by Perrin Kerravala gives a positive report on this resource for tracking financial deals in Spanish and Portuguese, covering all markets that do business in those languages.

TTR has been lauded in the past by the CODiE awards, which recognise excellence in product design and development. The CODiEs are administered by the Software and Information Industry Association (of which FreePint is a proud member), and new awards were announced in January in the Content Division

FreePint reviewer John DiGilio was pleased to learn that Innography won two awards, including Best Legal Information Product. John served as a judge for this category and wrote both about the process and about his impressions of the finalists. Watch for future reviews of Innography (a patent research product John calls "anything but average), as well as other finalists in this and other Content Division categories.

Planning for Spring

My office is smack in the middle of the Polar Vortex that's kept North America feeling particularly northern this year, which is probably why I'm already thinking about spring... but the fact is that it will be here soon (I hope!). With the success of our recent series of in-person Communities of Practice sessions in London, New York and Chicago, I'm starting to think about other opportunities to return to these cities and add (perhaps) Washington, Amsterdam and San Francisco.

And there's always SLA 2014 in Vancouver... will I see you there?

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