Tim Buckley Owen Spotlight on VIP 101: Further news analysis for VIP Subscribers
Jinfo Blog

23rd April 2012

By Tim Buckley Owen


Get an overview of the many news analysis articles featured in the April 2012 issue of VIP Magazine - privacy, regulatory compliance, and content pricing models are among this month's topics.


Privacy, and the relative merits of advertising or subscription funding produces better niche publications, are two of the predominant themes in the Tap the Wire and In Scope features of VIP 101.

You never know who’s watching, suggests Dale Moore in his In Scope piece on the plethora of companies that take a sneaky peek at your search results and instantly add to their knowledge about you before serving up targeted ads. True – but, as I comment in our Industry News section, American authorities are at least starting to take privacy as seriously as the Europeans.

In Product News, Penny Crossland contrasts the rude health enjoyed by the Financial Times with the agonies being faced by TechCrunch. Big data, compliance, the value of images to business, and the troubled world of sentiment analytics are among the other issues picked over in the news analysis pages of April’s densely packed VIP Magazine.

Purchase this issue of VIP, and you'll also get the in-depth reviews of Digimind 9, an exciting competitive intelligence tool, and Capital IQ from Standard & Poors, a trusty industry favourite with a lot of new features.

Or get a VIP Subscription for ongoing access to reports, articles and resources that support your organisation's acquisition and use of databases and information content.

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