Penny Crossland New Chinese sources for infopros
Jinfo Blog

9th December 2010

By Penny Crossland


As Nancy Davis Kho mentioned in her posting yesterday (, information professionals are constantly on the look-out for reliable business information on BRIC countries. So Bureau van Dijk’s launch of its China Connect module at London’s Online exhibition came at an opportune time. Part of its Zephyr M&A portal (, the new module promises to provide 'information on potential investment and acquisition targets in private companies in China'. China Connect will be available to Zephyr subscribers from early 2011 and apart from financial and sector activity data will include information on a company’s investment status. This will enable would-be investors into China to identify those companies that are open to foreign investors and the likelihood of acceptance by the relevant regulatory authorities. All this will save businesses a considerable amount of time when putting together target lists of Chinese companies. Zephyr, by the way was the subject of a product review by Anne Jordan in July this year. This link,, takes you to the VIP shop where you will be able to purchase a copy of the report. Another new development in Chinese business information is the recent launch of a weekly version of China Daily, the long-standing English-language newspaper in China. The China Daily European Weekly ( promises to provide readers with a 'useful guide to help readers understand the emerging opportunities that exist between China and Europe'. The newspaper, with an initial circulation of 35,000 will be available at newsstands every Friday, with a PDF version of the paper available online the following Monday. Published by the China Daily Information Company, a state-owned company, articles are likely to be censored; however the publishers claim that the new venture has an independent editorial board. The current edition contains a mixture of politics, business, economics and general news. The China Daily Europe website will be of more use to business researchers. It contains business statistics, technology news and nuggets such as rankings on a variety of topics. My eye was caught by a ranking of the top 10 business scandals in China – great information for investigative researchers! The downsides to the site are the lack of a search facility or RSS feeds, however it is still worth bookmarking if you want to keep up-to-date on all things Chinese. Chinese research sources were the subject of a FUMSI article in July 2007:

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