Nancy Davis Kho Risk in Emerging Markets - A VIP Editorial
Jinfo Blog

23rd September 2010

By Nancy Davis Kho


Success in business involves taking risks: entering a new market, creating a new product, providing insight in a different way. Having the right information on which to base action mitigates risk, and also identifies where untapped potential might lie.

The products VIP reviews deliver that kind of information. This month's featured reviews put at your fingertips the kind of hard-to-find (and hard-to-analyse) information that can make the difference in business development.

Brazil is one of the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China), which head the list of emerging markets businesses target for growth opportunities. CEIC: Brazil, from ISI Emerging Markets, offers up data on industries, companies, news and analysis. VIP reviewer Heidi Longaberger offers up her opinion of how the product performs.

From the venerable Economist Intelligence Unit comes Country Risk, a service monitoring financial risk conditions in 120 countries considered 'emerging' or 'highly indebted.' Penny Crossland's review highlights the strengths of the product for inclusion in your portfolio to identify opportunity and reduce the risk involved.

Let's not forget the risks right within our own organisations while we're at it: SourceWire, written by contributing writer Anne Jordan, provides insight on what resources may be added to or removed from your favourite aggregated platforms. If there's a source that's essential to the smooth functioning of your information services, let us know so that we can include it on the SourceWire monitoring list - send your suggestions and requests to

The last 18 months have taught us all a thing or two about unmanaged risks. This year's FreePint Research Report: Economic Impact 2010 will be published shortly and provided to all VIP subscribers in your FreePint Master Account. In the meantime, a few key highlights are provided in this issue of VIP. Take a look at how information managers are turning critical challenges in content budget and staffing into opportunities to make their services more visible and valuable within their organisations.

It's another full month in VIP, particularly when you add in the additional features - an overview of products for competitive intelligence by Scott Brown, plus our usual Tap the Wire analysis of what's happening in the news. Small wonder subscribers sometimes tell us they have a hard time reading through all the good stuff in VIP each month!

Take a break from the reading and shift to contributing for a few minutes instead - the FreePint Survey: News Needs and Preferences is now open for participation at and you are invited to share your perspective on what matters to you in news products. Your responses are fully anonymous and will help provide context for November News Month, when we publish the VIP Report: Comparison of News Products (Factiva and, along with other news-related features and resources.

In the meantime, if you have suggestions for products we should review, features we should add or topics to cover, please let me know at, or share them via our suggestion box at

Nancy Davis Kho is the Vendor Liaison and Product Reviews Editor for VIP Magazine.

This editorial appears in VIP Magazine No. 82, September 2010. Purchase online >>

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