Penny Crossland Can SaaS save B2B?
Jinfo Blog

14th August 2010

By Penny Crossland


Haymarket has launched a new B2B web magazine called Windpower Intelligence, intended to sit alongside its well-established printed title called Windpower Monthly. The online version however will also contain content from third party sources, aggregated by Strategyeye Publisher ( via its software-as-a-service publishing platform. As paidcontent ( and Marketingweek ( reported, this newly launched platform allows publishers to host their own material and combine this with filtered third-party news and analysis. The online intelligence is then packaged and delivered according to subscribers’ preferences. According to paidcontent , content can be delivered in a variety of outputs: by alerts, reports or web dashboards. The advantage of this type of publishing platform is that it delivers highly targeted industry data and disseminates content rapidly – key developments and competitor data can be delivered in almost real time. Traditional journalism is combined with online and Web 2.0 content. As reported by Livewire, (see and ) B2B publishing has been in the doldrums for a while, and publishers have been struggling to find solutions to declining audiences. It is hoped that leveraging industry content this way could provide B2B publishers with new digital revenue streams. It is up to publishers to decide whether to generate income via subscription or advertising-supported models. StrategyEye provides similar content and output for Progressive Media Group’s Strategic Defence Intelligence site (, billed as a real-time intelligence source for the global defence industry, as well as for the World Textile Intelligence Group. WTIG publishes World Textile Information Network Intelligence ( On another level, this type of publishing tool provides workflow tools for editors, enabling them to integrate their own output with third-party content. This is surely an intelligent development for the B2B publishing sector, and no doubt one that will be closely followed by Livewire contributors.

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