Perrin Kerravala New VIP Review– Syndicated Loans Sources
Jinfo Blog

24th September 2009

By Perrin Kerravala


The new issue of VIP Magazine includes a review of sources for data on syndicated loans, focusing on three flagship publishers and their products: Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corporation (Loan Loan Connector), Thomson Reuters (Thomson ONE Investment Banking), and Dealogic (Loan Analytics). Syndicated loans intelligence is a niche area in financial publishing. Having dedicated myself professionally to this area of research in the past twelve months, I scoured library literature to find commentary on the major data providers to no avail. This opaque, expensive area of publishing was long overdue for a systematic evaluation of the major players. When I requested that the VIP editorial team publish a comparative review, they turned around and asked me to write it! I spent almost a week testing and comparing their loans offerings and investigating the history of each company. I found many similarities: each of them launched loans intelligence systems in the 1980s; each had to have strong relationships with lending institutions to make a decent product; and each of them offers similar content offerings today, all with powerful search and reporting capabilities. The major differences between the products comes down to a question of tradeoffs in scope/ease of use in searching, and in reporting capabilities. The review should answer questions that other practitioners have regarding ease of use, content, search capabilities and reporting, so that they won't have to hunt as I did! VIP Report: Product Review of Syndicated Loan Databases, by Perrin Kerravala, is now available for purchase: Purchase VIP Magazine Issue No. 70, September 2009, and receive the full VIP Report: Product Review of's Profound as part of your purchase: (Also included in this issue: VIP Report: Product Review of's Profound )

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