Udo Hohlfeld Monitoring of social media platforms
Jinfo Blog

24th September 2009

By Udo Hohlfeld


"Looking Glass" could become a valuable tool for marketeers - it is a new social media product by Microsoft which enables marketers and advertisers to monitor brands across social media platforms. Yet, the real extent of analysis capabilities is unclear. The product is not ready for roll-out and will be released to testers on an invitation-only basis over the coming months. What is clear is that social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr will provide the data basis as well as CRM systems, databases and service centers. Looking Glass will aggregate all this data for its analyses. Powered by Microsoft's Silverlight technology, the product will be browser-based and provide real-time functionality. Microsoft is not the first vendor to provide such a product as it follows established vendors such as Salesforce.com (Service Cloud), SAP (SAP CRM 7) or startups such as Sensidea (Socialseek) or Viralheat. Due to Microsoft's strategy to integrate across its huge product portfolio, the use of the product may be limited to companies that do not deploy the Microsoft platform. Resources: Advertising Age - http://digbig.com/5bahqg Microsoft Advertising Blog - http://digbig.com/5bahqh Salesforce.com - http://www.salesforce.com SAP - http://www.sap.com Sensidea - http://www.sensidea.com Viralheat - http://www.viralheat.com

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